Congress is failing to deliver on its promise of billions more in research spending, threatening Ame
The latest government showdown over the budget risks not only a shutdown but jobs, regional economies and America’s competitiveness…
The latest government showdown over the budget risks not only a shutdown but jobs, regional economies and America’s competitiveness…
Weight loss and diabetes drugs target regulatory pathways involved in metabolism that the microbes in your gut and certain…
Using fingerprints to catch criminals isn’t 100% accurate, but analyzing fingerprints in 3D, rather than 2D, could improve…
Your immune system is often able to fend off pathogens it’s never seen before. But defending your body against all of…
It’s no surprise that corporations harvest vast amounts of data about people, but documents in an FTC lawsuit detail the…
Is it a STEM education or a STEAM education? Integrating arts into science programming and vice versa can pique kids’…
A deadly avalanche at Palisades Tahoe, home of the 1960 Winter Olympics, shows the risk as snow layers melt and new snow…
The bottoms of boats and docks can accumulate lots of dirt, but semiaquatic animals like otters avoid having ‘fouled’…
You might hate winter, but at least you know what to expect every year. Other planets have wobbly axes that lead to wild,…
Hemp flowers and certain cannabis products contain fungal toxins, including Aspergillus and Fusarium, that can exceed acceptable…
Fruit bats can eat up to twice their body weight in fruit a day. But their genes and cells evolved to process all that sugar…
After scientists’ GPS tracking tag was violently removed from one shark’s dorsal fin, they were in for a surprise: The…
An unexpected case of rabies found in an animal can raise concerns for a potential outbreak. Proactive vaccination of both…
There are so many fish in the ocean that if you took them out, important habitats and food sources for many creatures would…
Social media allows a political leader to direct the behavior of political movements, including engaging in violence and…
Long-term goals can be hard to stick to if the benefits are only way off in the future. Research suggests ways to focus…
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the promise of using mRNA as medicine. But before mRNA drugs can go beyond vaccines,…
Radiotherapy takes many forms: from directing powerful high-energy beams toward specific areas of the body to placing radioactive…
Artificial intelligence is everywhere, and the tech industry is racing along to develop ever more powerful AIs. Three scholars…
Intellectual humility includes owning your own biases and the possibility that you’re wrong about your beliefs or worldview.…