Raw milk health risks significantly outweigh any potential benefits − food scientists and nutritioni
Raw milk has always carried the risk of serious illness, and this risk has only risen with bird flu spreading across dairy…
Raw milk has always carried the risk of serious illness, and this risk has only risen with bird flu spreading across dairy…
Archaeologists preserve records of their excavations, but many are never analyzed. Digital archaeology is making these records…
Future space missions will fly farther and longer than ever before – which means crew members may need more involved medical…
The answer depends in part on where you live. If it’s extremely hot and humid, the health risks are much higher.
Gunpowder warfare kicked off a new era of invasive surgery and prosthetic technology in Western medicine.
Hubble’s technical issues continue. But through some clever engineering, the telescope can continue operations with just…
Your upper intestine is host to a distinct population of microbes that play a role in digestion, metabolism and immunity.
Novel metaphors can make it easier to understand complex concepts such as quantum computing.
The Sun will be at its most explosive right around the time NASA plans to put people back on the Moon.
Secret recordings raise questions about Justice Alito’s impartiality, but they also reveal the weak state of legal protections…
Green algae carry drug-loaded nanoparticles directly to the lungs, reducing side effects in other organs and increasing…
Olympic breakdancers spin on their heads and backs, then freeze in funky poses. How? It’s all about physics.
Detecting infectious agents in sewage is only the first step. Researchers are working on developing reliable ways to translate…
Humans aren’t the only animals that have names for each other − and studying animals that use names can teach researchers…
Campaigns used deepfakes to connect with voters rather than deception, and AI also helped them break through language barriers.
Underwater construction is a complex and difficult task, but engineers have developed several ways to build underwater ……
Scientists don’t often have the time to get all their equipment set up to study incoming meteors from space. Instead,…
An information scientist explains that while Google’s AI Overviews and other AI search tools may look enticing, you shouldn’t…
Collaborative research by archaeologists, environmental scientists and tribal elders combines science and Indigenous knowledge…
An interstellar probe could help scientists answer fundamental questions about how the Sun influences Earth, space and other…