Think Facebook can manipulate you? Look out for virtual reality
As the internet-connected world reels from revelations about personalized manipulation based on Facebook data, a scholar…
As the internet-connected world reels from revelations about personalized manipulation based on Facebook data, a scholar…
Facebook harvests individual users' data and sells it to advertisers, who narrowly target specific messages to particular…
Fourier's discoveries can still be felt in modern-day radiology, climate science and physics.
Less-toxic hair dye would be a great invention. But discounting the risks that come with nanoparticles could undermine other…
The famous cosmologist was closely identified with black holes due to his revolutionary theoretical work explaining some…
Wikipedia's coverage on women is less comprehensive, and its volunteer editor base is mostly male. What can be done…
Despite his fears artificial intelligence might one day overtake humanity, Stephen Hawking knew from his own life how profoundly…
You can probably hear Hawking's famously computer-generated voice in your head. His example showed tech as a tool that…
Neuroscience labs around the world may need to reevaluate some of their assumptions about whether what works in animals…
Can a computer model correctly predict the results of the first round in this year's tournament? These mathematicians…
Not all earthquakes are made equal. A new study on the 2017 quake that killed 300 in Mexico City finds that both its location…
No todos los sismos nacen igual. Un nuevo estudio demuestra que el sismo que mato a 300 personas en la Ciudad de Mexico…
Women's History Month is a time to recognize female role models. In mathematics, when we think of powerful women, we…
Is an archaic sewing skill a key to connected, sensing, communicating fabrics of the future?
The scientists behind a controversial new study were surprised by their own results. But they carefully did all they could…
No one then knew a virus caused the 1918 flu pandemic, much less that animals can be a reservoir for human illnesses. Now…
Women are underrepresented in academic science. New research finds the problem is even worse in terms of who authors high-profile…
More connected devices means more vulnerability to cyberattacks. Is there a cheap, easy and secure way to protect the internet…
Efforts to curb railroads' monopoly power in the 19th century hold lessons for 21st-century policymakers and internet…
If Mary Shelley wrote the book today, Victor would surely be a synthetic biologist. But those fiddling with living things…