The thinking error at the root of science denial
Why do some people reject scientifically accepted ideas? A psychotherapist points to black-and-white thinking as part of…
Why do some people reject scientifically accepted ideas? A psychotherapist points to black-and-white thinking as part of…
Enterprising cryptocurrency enthusiasts have found a way to use your computer processor and electricity to make themselves…
Scientists have discovered a natural sunscreen –made by microbes – that may be better for humans and the marine critters…
Science can't just stay in the ivory tower. But what does impact really mean and how does it happen? A study of more…
Here's how to secure your home network, whether or not it has already been attacked by hackers.
Perhaps you've noticed something unusual in the bathroom after you consume this healthy spring vegetable. A Speed Read…
By 2022, people in developed countries may see more fake news than accurate information. Artificial intelligence may be…
Biologists are finding new evidence that these ocean invertebrate grazers don't just ingest whatever they catch. They…
Antibiotic-munching microbes may prove useful for mopping up contaminated water supplies and land.
People long assumed all the elements we see now were created during the Big Bang. But on May 2, 1952, an astronomer reported…
The little-known Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer spacecraft was like a Geiger counter for the universe, listening to black holes…
Under an authoritarian government, freedoms can come at a steep – and lasting – price.
When you send off a cheek swab to one of the private genome companies, you may sacrifice not just your own privacy but that…
Local governments don't pay much attention to cybersecurity, leaving them vulnerable to hijacking as happened to Atlanta…
The internet developed as a place for open collaboration; there are technical limits on its transformation into a commercial…
Why was one gene mutation that affects hair, teeth, sweat glands and breasts ubiquitous among ice age Arctic people? New…
In a complex environment with massive numbers of internet-connected devices, the key barrier to better cybersecurity isn't…
E. coli bacteria are the frequent culprits behind outbreaks of food-borne illnesses. But not all strains are harmful; some…
Humans and machines perceive the world differently and respond in different ways to what they perceive. This lays the groundwork…
Using nanostructures on a flat piece of glass can make lenses smaller, lighter and much cheaper – while providing better…