These CRISPR-modified crops don't count as GMOs
GMO crops have been rejected in many countries where food shortages are dire. Now, a scientist at the University of Connecticut…
GMO crops have been rejected in many countries where food shortages are dire. Now, a scientist at the University of Connecticut…
When people see their bodies in 3D, they feel worse about themselves and more negative in general. That might not put shoppers…
Data and privacy issues are tangled up in the DNA reports consumers get from big genetic testing companies – and the third-party…
Producing ammonia, which is a key ingredient in fertilizers, is one of the world's most energy-intensive chemical manufacturing…
Whether at a family gathering or in a research lab, getting access to images immediately was a game changer. And Land's…
In this Speed Read, learn the difference between 3G, 4G and 5G, and why it matters.
Where you come down on the latest internet hullabaloo depends on how your brain fills in gaps in the sounds you hear.
Most people have all sorts of breadcrumbs of their identity scattered around the internet. A dedicated sleuth can piece…
This Speed Read makes the case why you should be nice to spiders you encounter in your home and consider a live-and-let-live…
It can be unpleasant to be mistaken for someone of a different gender. When an algorithm does it secretly, it's even…
May 16 marks the 300th anniversary of the first woman to write a mathematics textbook.
Astronomers are gathering an exponentially greater amount of data every day – so much that it will take years to uncover…
More people are sending off saliva samples to find out about their genetic roots. But the raw DNA results go way beyond…
Organic semiconductors could make possible energy-generating windows that double as movie screens or computer displays.
Everybody wants more self-control, but it's proven difficult to beef up through training. New research suggests that…
Circadian clocks regulate the timing of hundreds of processes in the cell, suggesting that matching medications with your…
As Amazon introduces a new smart-home device aimed at children, it's important to know many internet-connected toys…
A chemist explains how some molecules in human breast milk help fight infection. Understanding their properties could lead…
A new pill may lower blood alcohol levels, helping a hangover and preventing alcohol overdose deaths.
Do chimpanzee talk to each other? Scientists follow and record chimpanzees in the wild to find out – and to fill in details…