What's involved in designing World Cup jerseys?
World Cup jerseys have to please players, national officials, FIFA rulemakers and – perhaps most importantly – fans…
World Cup jerseys have to please players, national officials, FIFA rulemakers and – perhaps most importantly – fans…
It's a psychological quirk that when something becomes rarer, people may spot it in more places than ever. What is the…
About 5 percent of all UFO sightings cannot be easily explained by weather or human technology. A physicist argues that…
An asteroid on a collision course with Earth is inevitable. Astronomer Michael Lund explains how a new telescope under construction…
China's government is prioritizing world-class science and tech. An expert describes the Chinese research landscape…
Without secure records of property ownership, many poor people around the world have trouble improving their economic situations.…
Just because people enjoy a recreational activity doesn't mean they're addicted to it, even if they spend lots of…
People's most private information isn't on paper locked in desks anymore – it's online, stored on corporate…
Large Silicon Valley firms are not particularly diverse in terms of gender or race, but there are some companies doing better…
As the climate changes and the population grows, meeting the demand for food will become more difficult as arable land declines.…
Our neural circuits lead us to find comfort in those like us and unease with those who differ, resulting in a battle between…
Information on social media can be misleading because of biases in three places – the brain, society and algorithms. Scholars…
Childhood adversity is linked to social and mental health problems later in life. New research suggests brains that aren't…
A reflection of its own time, the iconic arcade game planted the seeds of today's video game culture.
Thirty five years ago Sally Ride became the first American woman in space. But rather than focus on her own extraordinary…
The tilt of Earth's axis as it orbits the sun results in the seasonal changes.
The concept of three-parent babies defies what we learned in health class. But how and when is the third parent involved?…
It's becoming harder and harder for animals to find human-free spaces on the planet. New research suggests that to try…
Privacy rules enacted in Europe are affecting companies – and their customers and users – all around the world.
A flavor of diplomacy that focuses on science cuts through political differences and finds new ways for nations to work…