Key internet connections and locations at risk from rising seas
Comparing the locations of key internet data centers and cable routes with maps of expected sea-level rise suggests it's…
Comparing the locations of key internet data centers and cable routes with maps of expected sea-level rise suggests it's…
Cystic fibrosis is the most common genetic disease among Caucasians. Now scientists believe they have discovered the origin…
Ensuring the integrity of democratic elections from hackers and electronic tampering, and boosting public confidence in…
It's a comforting falsehood that once an artifact joins a museum's collection, it's safe for eternity. Museums…
Some behaviors might help tell propaganda-spewing trolls apart from regular internet users, but the main protection is for…
Bug sprays with DEET feel oily and smell gross. That's why scientists are developing new mosquito repellents based on…
As Google turns 20, a look at how the company has grown – and what the next two decades might bring for the company.
Google News does not differentiate search results according to users' politics – but it does favor mainstream news…
Mathematical models can describe the many shapes of DNA, as well as cellular processes like DNA replication.
A cybersecurity expert offers tips to keep high schoolers safe on mobile devices, computers, games and social media.
The scientific community always wants more cash to fund research. A new study examines whether more concrete knowledge of…
The new technology behind machine learning-enhanced fake videos has a crucial flaw: Computer-generated faces don't blink…
You've heard of the genome, and possibly the proteome – all the proteins in the human body. But have you heard about…
A weather expert explains where petrichor – that pleasant, earthy scent that accompanies a storm's first raindrops…
Psychology researchers found that daily acts of kindness were linked to increases in positive mood – especially for teens…
Cultured meat comes from cells in a lab, not muscles in an animal. While regulatory and technological aspects are being…
Death is inevitable for individuals and also for species. With help from the fossil record, paleontologists are piecing…
The Swift Observatory passed a milestone: 1 million snapshots of the universe. These exquisite and revealing pictures have…
A standard element of international humanitarian law since 1899 should guide countries as they consider banning lethal autonomous…
For several billion people mosquitoes are more than a nuisance--they transmit deadly diseases. Now genetic modification…