Why is this line so long?
Don't despair if, once you've gathered your shopping items, you're met by a single line that looks a mile long.…
Don't despair if, once you've gathered your shopping items, you're met by a single line that looks a mile long.…
Before augmented reality products and apps take over the world, they'll have to get out of their own way.
Ninety percent of psychology studies come from countries representing less than 15 percent of the world's population.…
Without their devices, regular GPS users take longer to negotiate a route, travel more slowly and make larger navigational…
Researchers have tried unsuccessfully for decades to develop a malaria vaccine. Now a new approach, showing promise in mice,…
As fictional inventors make terrible choices on the big screen, real-world tech innovators can learn from their example…
It has taken hundreds, if not thousands, of years to create the juicy, shiny produce that you take for granted at the supermarket.…
Since plants can't pick up and move to greener pastures if conditions are tough, some have evolved interesting and sneaky…
Cleaning up plastic pollution in the ocean is good – and long overdue. But where will the waste go? Recycling isn't…
Countries developing technology that removes or blasts away space junk may appear to be doing a public service. But those…
A resonance theory of consciousness suggests that the way all matter vibrates, and the tendency for those vibrations to…
Chinese customers spend billions on Nov. 11. Why, and what does it mean for the global retail marketplace?
One-third of roads in the U.S. are unpaved; plenty more have faded or obscured road markings. Today's self-driving vehicles…
The discovery and development of optical tweezers won the 2018 Nobel Prize in physics. Now physicists are using this tool…
Protecting democracy requires more than just technical solutions. It includes education, critical thinking and members of…
Amazon, Facebook and Google have lofty goals for their effects on global society. But people around the world are still…
Space researchers have had a careful approach to robotic exploration of Mars and been hands-off toward Europa and Enceladus.…
Measuring Twitter bots' effects on the opinions of real people can yield surprising results about what makes them influential.
Almost a third of American adolescents have anxiety disorders. Researchers in developmental neuroscience are figuring out…
When immigrants come to the US, it isn't just the people who assimilate. The microbes in their gut also become Westernized…