Simply elegant, Morse code marks 175 years and counting
Morse code works whether flashing a spotlight or blinking your eyes – or even tapping on a smartphone touchscreen.
Morse code works whether flashing a spotlight or blinking your eyes – or even tapping on a smartphone touchscreen.
By chance, a sociologist started an experiment the day sexual harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein became public.…
A new technology has enabled neuroscientists to examine the chemistry of individual brain cells. The finding reveal how…
During a military mission, whether in peace or in war, the inability to identify an object within an area of operation represents…
A physicist reflects on the show's made-up Nobel Prize-winning theory of 'super asymmetry' along with how the…
It probably sounds bad or uncomfortable to you. But stiffness is part of what gives elite athletes the spring in their muscles.
Most people are familiar with lasers. But what about a laser made with sound rather than light? A couple of physicists have…
MySpace users were recently shocked to learn that the company lost 50 million user files. It's a harsh lesson in not…
Rather than revealing an advertiser targeted you by your phone number or email address, Facebook may tell you it showed…
The mating habits of these tiny, colorful fish may be revealing something broader about the animal kingdom, and perhaps…
Chinese electric vehicle sales already amount to more than half of the world's total – and car makers and battery…
Cryptocurrency fraudsters have swindled their victims out of hundreds of millions – even billions – of dollars. What…
Why does the impact of rain in a puddle look different from when it falls elsewhere, like in a lake or the ocean? A 'puddle…
Scientists identified the general pattern of measles infections as a country moves toward eliminating the disease. This…
Psychology researchers are interested in what makes a hero. Turns out many mothers tick off those same boxes by fulfilling…
Potions, spells and alchemy are intriguing to children and adults alike. A professor of literature explains what's behind…
Using an artistic eye when creating pictures of scientific phenomena and new technologies can elevate the resulting images…
Electric utilities have a right to make money on their government-granted monopolies, but customers also have a right to…
How willing are people to accept medical care from a robot or an automated system? It depends on the procedure – and the…
The elements that make up each column of the periodic table share a set of common traits. Here, a chemist describes group…