Seaweed and sea slugs rely on toxic bacteria to defend against predators
Researchers have just discovered a new species of bacteria that cranks out a deadly toxin. In a common arrangement in the…
Researchers have just discovered a new species of bacteria that cranks out a deadly toxin. In a common arrangement in the…
Before the advent of genetic testing, definitions of paternity were primarily social and legal. Science has destabilized…
Though the effects were less this time, voters across the globe should remain vigilant against disinformation campaigns…
New research investigated who uses the wide array of tools available to people who've received their own raw genetic…
The people who get the most out of self-tracking tend to be 'systematic thinkers' who search for meaning in patterns.
Superfast DNA analysis is now being used to crack medical mysteries when physicians can't figure out whether an infectious…
A Nobel Prize-winning political economist found a way to promote good governance and protect users without the need for…
Humans still have an edge over non-Hollywood AI in several key areas that are essential to journalism, including complex…
Skipping the hassle of flying – and the different headache of driving – gives self-driving cars a leg up when people…
Grisly war trophies made from the heads of vanquished enemies certainly grab attention. But archaeologists are more interested…
There are reasons to be skeptical, of both the quality of the evidence presented so far and the questionable assumptions…
You are tired. Would nine more minutes really hurt? Is hitting the snooze button a good idea? Should you just get out of…
Every day about 50 tons of rocks from space fall on Earth. An examination of these meteorites has inspired a new theory…
The glue that gives spider webs their stickiness is a form of spider silk protein. Researchers can imagine cool uses for…
Resistance to antibiotics is not a new trait, and it is impossible to prevent. But it is possible to avoid its spread.
Ransomware has crippled governments and companies around the world, encrypting data and demanding payment for the decryption…
Many tourists hold an outdated romanticized image of an abandoned temple emerging from the jungle. But research around Angkor…
Big tech companies compete over who can gather the most intelligence on their users. Countries like Russia and China turn…
Pilots are often overtired, making them prone to errors. Some countries let them sleep on the job – under strict rules.…
With the opioid crisis there is no doubt that physicians need safer, nonaddictive pain killers. Now new insights on how…