How did people clean their teeth in the olden days?
People have probably always wanted clean and healthy teeth. What they historically used to achieve dental hygiene might…
People have probably always wanted clean and healthy teeth. What they historically used to achieve dental hygiene might…
NASA has made significant steps in making explicit appeals to women to support space exploration, but it might not be doing…
Finding out more about how the brain works could help programmers translate thinking from the wet and squishy world of biology…
The technologies behind weather forecasting, GPS and even smartphones can trace their origins to the race to the Moon.
It's relatively easy to grow a bunch of animal cells to turn into a burger. But to grow a steak made of cultured meat…
A decision-making process that relies on intuitive feelings rather than careful deliberation invites a host of biases that…
Most of us look forward to the fireworks on the Fourth of July. But did you ever wonder how the chemists create those colors…
The only consciousness you can ever be certain about is your own. But there are different types of clues that could hint…
Women might find themselves reaching for sweets and potato chips in the two weeks before their period, even if they don't…
An anthropologist who's researched the dispossession of Native Americans and their enduring connections to ancestral…
Les gens tombent dans le piège des fausses photos, qu’elles proviennent de Facebook ou du New York Times. Qu’est-ce…
Research has found ways to detect deepfakes through flaws that can't be fixed easily by the fakers.
Stars and planets are made from the same raw material. Rather than using huge surveys to find stars with exoplanets, a new…
Plenty of Western officials and media outlets have criticized Libra – but it's not meant for them.
Geophysicists use sound waves to build a picture of the magma and rock beneath this active volcano, most of which is underwater.…
People fall for fake photos regardless of whether they seem to come from Facebook or The New York Times. What actually helps?
Just like the gut, the skin and the mouth, the eye also has a collection of microbes that keep it healthy. Understanding…
Most of the time, different parts of your nervous system work in balance. But sometimes things can get out of whack –…
With the launch of the Libra cryptocurrency, Mark Zuckerberg reveals his dreams of building a new virtual country, perhaps…
Even the tidiest space has some dust. Researchers are investigating just what these indoor particles are made of and their…