How do brains tune in to one neural signal out of billions?
Like a cocktail partygoer able to focus on one discussion in a noisy room, brains are able to make reliable connections…
Like a cocktail partygoer able to focus on one discussion in a noisy room, brains are able to make reliable connections…
Are India and China engaged in a new space race? India's increasingly ambitious space ventures, including its Chandrayann-2…
How mathematically proficient are you? And do you have the skills to back up your level of math confidence? The answers…
A key element of the battle between truth and propaganda has nothing to do with technology. It has to do with how people…
Oh! Excuse me! Please pardon my sphincter, esophagus and throat.
How is NASA preparing astronauts for high-stress living on the Moon? Turns out the answer is by living in undersea bases…
Could mating preferences, like females preferring males who sing complex songs, affect the evolution of learning? Insights…
A new study of nearly 500,000 individuals finds that many genes affect same-sex behavior, including newly identified candidates…
If you go by editorial cartoons and T-shirts, you might have the impression that evolution proceeds as an orderly march…
Hundreds of archaeologists provided on-the-ground data from across the globe, providing a new view of the long and varied…
If your job doesn't currently involve automation or artificial intelligence in some way, it likely will soon. Computer-based…
Meet the unsung aid workers who put their lives on the line during war and natural disaster to make sure the dead are treated…
Scientists have identified the world's smallest animal - for now. It could be possible smaller creatures exist that…
Privacy starts with the body and extends to digital data. There are few rules governing what companies can do – yet people…
A new technique for detecting deepfakes conceives of videos as flip-books and looks for changes in successive frames of…
This hot, acidic neighbor with its surface veiled in thick clouds hasn't benefited from the attention showered on Mars…
Self-driving cars may someday drop off their owners downtown and then leave to find free parking. What would that mean for…
How do hummingbirds drink sugary nectar and not get sick? Don't they need a balanced diet to stay healthy? Do they eat…
New technologies and services aren't creating irreversible damage, even though they do generate some harms. Preemptive…
The idea behind regenerative medicine is that the patient is both the donor and recipient of healthy tissue grown from stem…