Climate change created today's large crocodiles
Paleontologists created an evolutionary map of how croc body size changed over the last 200 million years – with some…
Paleontologists created an evolutionary map of how croc body size changed over the last 200 million years – with some…
The first computer, named the ABC, was built at Iowa State University. But for a long time, few had heard of it.
Conversion therapy has been pushed on some in the LGBQ community by those who think same-sex sexual behavior is 'unnatural.'…
Studies show that the Arctic is heating up twice as fast as the rest of the planet.
Bioengineers who are trying to grow replacement human tissues and organs are at the forefront of biomedicine. But you may…
Anti-vaccine info online might have foreign roots and political aims.
Fungi live in everyone's gut – but now a new study reveals that this colonization may begin before birth.
A challenge in eradicating polio comes from a version of the vaccine itself, which relies on live but attenuated virus.…
What is the smell of sweat? An artist recreates the pungent body odor as an art installation.
Like a cocktail partygoer able to focus on one discussion in a noisy room, brains are able to make reliable connections…
Are India and China engaged in a new space race? India's increasingly ambitious space ventures, including its Chandrayann-2…
How mathematically proficient are you? And do you have the skills to back up your level of math confidence? The answers…
A key element of the battle between truth and propaganda has nothing to do with technology. It has to do with how people…
Oh! Excuse me! Please pardon my sphincter, esophagus and throat.
How is NASA preparing astronauts for high-stress living on the Moon? Turns out the answer is by living in undersea bases…
Could mating preferences, like females preferring males who sing complex songs, affect the evolution of learning? Insights…
A new study of nearly 500,000 individuals finds that many genes affect same-sex behavior, including newly identified candidates…
If you go by editorial cartoons and T-shirts, you might have the impression that evolution proceeds as an orderly march…
Hundreds of archaeologists provided on-the-ground data from across the globe, providing a new view of the long and varied…
If your job doesn't currently involve automation or artificial intelligence in some way, it likely will soon. Computer-based…