Why are there seven days in a week?
The Babylonians' calendar was passed down from civilization to civilization.
The Babylonians' calendar was passed down from civilization to civilization.
Less overt than conventional military actions, cyber attacks can have dangerous consequences – especially when they target…
Bioprinting, an offshoot of 3D printing, is advancing so rapidly that regulators have been caught off guard. Two legal scholars…
Death is a natural part of ecosystems. But it's unusual for a large number of animals to all die at once. Researchers…
Capuchin monkeys in Brazil use big stones to crush the shells of nuts they want to eat. An experiment in the field investigated…
A report calls for banning the use of emotion recognition technology. An AI and computer vision researcher explains the…
NASA scientists have discovered a new planet orbiting around a nearby star that is in a habitable zone. But does this planet…
A tricky kind of earthquake that happens in the soft rock of the ocean floor causes much larger tsunamis than their magnitude…
20 years ago, who could predict how much more researchers would know today about the human past – let alone what they…
Researchers know the basic biology of what happens to your system after a night of heavy drinking. Unfortunately, evidence-based…
Sometimes it is difficult to take a photograph of an exoplanet because the star illuminating it is too bright. Now there…
A scholar who studies consumer decision-making explains just what it is in the human mind that makes people susceptible…
Trying a new exercise routine? Strapping on a new wearable monitor? An expert in human physiology explains the ins and outs…
New research is uncovering that whales have their own distinct microbiomes that may play important roles in animal health.…
Forget being super self-critical and whipping yourself into shape. There are ways to set yourself up for success that are…
Fighting off infection comes with predictable psychological and behavioral features. Now researchers suggest an emotion…
A machine learning expert predicts a new balance between human and machine intelligence is on the horizon. For that to be…
Many people are still upset that Pluto was demoted from being a planet. But definitions of various celestial objects are…
Citizen scientists across North America have contributed over 1 million observations to this online platform, generating…
This 20th century ornithologist earned the respect of her contemporaries for her animal behavior research that went against…