Study shows pangolins may have passed new coronavirus from bats to humans
When a new virus emerges and triggers a pandemic, it is important to trace its origins. Knowing more about how the virus…
When a new virus emerges and triggers a pandemic, it is important to trace its origins. Knowing more about how the virus…
Zoom's privacy and security shortcomings are just the latest videoconferencing vulnerabilities. Knowing each platform's…
A lot of numbers are being tossed around about COVID-19 and what to expect in the future. They're being used to make…
A survey of 500 adults in the US provides a snapshot of the ways people are dealing with life during a pandemic and how…
Researchers, scientific journals and health agencies are doing everything they can to speed up coronavirus research. The…
Cellphone data can show who coronavirus patients interacted with, which can help isolate infected people before they feel…
People have changed over time, growing ever more distant and isolated from others – while at the same time finding new…
University of Pittsburgh researchers are developing a vaccine patch for COVID-19 that is as easy to apply as a Band-Aid.
Online pornography is one business that's booming during the coronavirus pandemic. A psychology researcher explains…
Officially, not that many people have recovered from the coronavirus. An epidemiologist explains what has to happen for…
The SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 is constantly mutating. What do this mutations reveal about this virus's evolution?…
Cooped up with a partner and nowhere to go to break it up? Coronavirus social distancing... or another day in retirement?…
COVID-19 has a long incubation time, and testing can take days to get results. Don't let continually rising case numbers…
Chemists have turned the red pigment of beets into a new, nontoxic blue pigment.
The president promoted the combination of hydroxychloroquine and an antibiotic for treating COVID-19. But a new study suggests…
The new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, spreads faster than the H1N1 influenza virus and is much deadlier. SARS-CoV-2 is particularly…
The use and support for telehealth has never been higher in the US. Hospitals and patients are flocking to adopt the technology…
There are now dozens of test for COVID-19 with hundreds more awaiting the FDA's authorization. So which test is best?…
Before a vaccine is available to teach your immune system to ward off the coronavirus, maybe you can directly use molecules…
Enfrentado con incertidumbre y ansiedad, el cerebro da el orden de comenzar el acaparamiento, si seas persona en tiempos…