Lightning strikes make collecting a parasitic fungus prized in traditional Chinese medicine a deadly
The parasitic fungus sometimes called ‘Himalayan gold’ can provide a good living to villagers who collect it. But rugged…
The parasitic fungus sometimes called ‘Himalayan gold’ can provide a good living to villagers who collect it. But rugged…
The US has a long history of misusing genetics and biology in immigration policy, the effects of which are still keenly…
A rocket needs to overcome the force of gravity to leave Earth behind.
People from many different cultures across the globe and across millennia largely agree about which body parts are most…
Doctors have an overwhelming amount of individual patient data and medical research at their disposal to make diagnoses…
Ethical and legal issues around death in the digital age are thorny enough dealing with social media accounts. AI puts the…
Even once researchers can reliably get more power out of a fusion reaction than they put in, they’ll still need to overcome…
A biologist explains what to focus on if you’re designing a garden with pollinators in mind − and what you don’t need…
Neurotechnology raises many high-stakes ethical questions. Setting ground rules could help protect workers and ensure that…
Wars always include killings and destruction, but there are limits. An expert in international law explains the rules of…
Using digital blueprints of the metabolism of microbes, scientists can simulate expensive and time-intensive experiments…
Researchers have applied AI to every step of the drug development process. But this might not be enough to design safe and…
The Trump administration has different interests and priorities than those of the Biden administration for regulating technology.…
Scientific R&D drives economic competitiveness, military technology and national security. Governments are trying to…
Ever feel like throwing up your hands and giving up on taking control of your online security? How technology companies…
Lunar Trailblazer is planned to launch on the first Commercial Lunar Payload Services mission of 2025.
A shift in mindset as you go through your day-to-day can help you cultivate a psychologically rich life.
Nutrition Facts labels provide useful information about how nutritious a food is, but can be overwhelming. A single score…
An exercise science specialist defines this nutrition term you might hear tossed around by people who are focused on a particular…
From exploring the Moon to revealing mysteries of the solar system, space agencies around the world are gearing up for an…