Humanizing the coronavirus as an invisible enemy is human nature
Thinking of SARS-CoV-2 as an invisible enemy with an evil personality and humanlike motivations is a natural offshoot of…
Thinking of SARS-CoV-2 as an invisible enemy with an evil personality and humanlike motivations is a natural offshoot of…
It's human nature to try to insulate yourself from the unpleasant realization that death comes for all of us eventually.
Results from phase 1 trials of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine created a burst of optimism. But details the company failed to release…
Epidemiologists focus on diseases among groups of people. They also study the spread of disease among animals.
Research shows napping helps young children learn, as well as enhancing their emotional well-being.
An update of 50-year-old regulations has kickstarted research into the next generation of rockets. Powered by nuclear fission,…
We blame the coronavirus for the thousands of deaths, but it is actually a hyperactive immune reaction that is the cause…
Testing for coronavirus has been a fiasco in the US. But now companies are developing super fast tests, including ones that…
Conspiracy theories about COVID-19, such as those advanced in the video 'Plandemic,' tend to pull from the same…
A high-tech twist on an old idea – running on springs – could give human-powered movement its biggest boost in more…
Women are underrepresented in technology fields, but especially so in cybersecurity. It's not just a matter of fairness.…
The footprints of over 20 different prehistoric people, pressed into volcanic ash thousands of years ago in Tanzania, show…
Wind travels all over the world. Where does it come from, and why?
The ACE2 receptor allows the virus that causes COVID-19 to infect and destroy our cells. What is the normal role of ACE2…
The laws and principles of chemistry seem pretty set in stone. But as a chemist explains, the field is always evolving,…
Researchers from New York University are designing AI algorithms to help predict COVID-19 outcomes.
In the murky world of cyber espionage and cyber warfare, effective deterrence has long been considered out of reach. A government…
The scientific community is churning out vast quantities of research about the coronavirus pandemic – far too much for…
Yeast is a single-celled organism that's everywhere around us. Understanding how yeast works can help you make better…
With careful observation, you can start to recognize that one sassy squirrel or the cardinal pair who call your neighborhood…