Up to 204,691 extra deaths in the US so far in this pandemic year
Health statisticians keep careful tabs on how many people die every week. Based on what's happened in past years, they…
Health statisticians keep careful tabs on how many people die every week. Based on what's happened in past years, they…
Some rainstorms drench you in a second, while others drop rain in a nice peaceful drizzle. A meteorologist explains how…
As Russia fast tracks a coronavirus vaccine, scientists worry about skipped safety checks – and the potential fallout…
Bricks turn out to be useful for storing electricity thanks to their porousness and red pigment.
Good ventilation can reduce the risk of catching coronavirus. An environmental engineer explains how to know if enough outside…
Self-regulation by the technology industry has failed to keep people safe online. That's a job for government.
Rather than a vaccine to beef up your immune system, a psychoactive substance could boost your cooperative, pro-social behavior…
Many patients suffering from COVID-19 exhibit neurological symptoms, from loss of smell to delirium to a higher risk of…
Fitness information like resting heart rate collected by wearable devices can't diagnose diseases, but it can signal…
Attempts to find brain structures responsible for supposed cognitive sex differences have not succeeded.
What if there was another nuclear incident in the US? A disaster management scholar looks back at the history of nuclear…
A person dies of opioid overdose once every 13 minutes in the US. A researcher proposes a way using existing technology…
When manufacturing jobs disappear, what are the best ways to help unemployed workers?
A White House decision to take over collection of COVID-19 data from the CDC sparked worries over political interference.…
Some viruses can hide out in the body and reemerge at later times. Which viruses do this, and can the new coronavirus do…
Test positivity rates measure the success of a testing program. Even though the US performs a huge number of tests, high…
Framing cats as responsible for declines in biodiversity is based on faulty scientific logic and fails to account for the…
Private mode browsing is a useful way to cover your online tracks. Just don't read too much into the word 'private.'
This summer, NASA's Mars Perseverance rover is taking the next giant leap in our search for signs of life beyond Earth.
This insect's unique reproductive biology could lead to new ways to control the species in the environment – and prevent…