How mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna work, why they're a breakthrough and why they need to be k
There are two new COVID-19 vaccines that appear to be more than 90% effective. But what are these vaccines, and how are…
There are two new COVID-19 vaccines that appear to be more than 90% effective. But what are these vaccines, and how are…
As viruses are transmitted from person to person they are constantly mutating and replicating. Could the SARS-CoV-2 virus…
Wood, a major export of the US, has taken a hit from international tariffs compounded by COVID-19.
Monoclonal antibodies are synthetic molecules manufactured in the lab. But do we need them if a vaccine is on its way?
Geese honk loudly and point their bills toward the sky when they're ready to start the migration. Here's how they…
The model provides county-level analysis and simulates the benefits of mask-wearing in terms of illnesses and deaths.
For 200 years, a small number of countries have exploited the marine wildlife of Antarctica, often with devastating impact…
Biden will begin his presidency in the midst of a global public health crisis that's already killed over 240,000 people…
Computational methods could help identify conspiracy theories as they emerge.
When the scientific establishment gets involved in partisan politics, surveys suggest, there are unintended consequences…
What if roads and bridges could signal structural problems that need repair?
California was thought to be an exception, a place where oil field operations and tectonic faults apparently coexisted without…
With COVID-19 cases soaring across the US and worldwide, the need for a vaccine could not be greater. Here's where we…
Recent studies using CRISPR to fast-track genetic studies into human disease genes appear flawed.
How much weight would you put on a scientist's expertise versus the opinion of a random stranger? People on either end…
New mathematical technique enables astronomers to predict the whereabouts of missing worlds around nearby stars.
The Bsal fungus is not yet here in North America, or any place in the Western Hemisphere, but there is concern that the…
As uncertainty abounds and anxiety skyrockets, you've probably heard advice to be patient, stay calm and keep the faith.…
Election misinformation typically involves false narratives of fraud that include out-of-context or otherwise misleading…
Humans have been living on the International Space Station for two full decades. So what comes next for this ailing technology,…