Women equal men in computing skill, but are less confident
The gender gap in computing performance has dramatically narrowed, but a confidence gap remains.
The gender gap in computing performance has dramatically narrowed, but a confidence gap remains.
How ancient microbes survived in a world without oxygen has been a mystery. Scientists discovered a living microbial mat…
Researchers are developing tattoo inks that do more than make pretty colors. Some can sense chemicals, temperature and UV…
White people are often defensive when they're called out for these subtle snubs and insults. But researchers have found…
Microbes in the gut aren't just important for digesting your food. In pregnant women, these gut microbes are producing…
GPT-3 is the biggest, most creative language generation program to date. But with awesome power comes awesome responsibility.
Feel like you're facing too many pandemic-related unknowns? Reframing what it means to not know can help you break the…
Several vaccines are in Phase 3 trials. So when will we know whether any of these will protect against COVID-19?
From setting passwords to cultivating patience, a mindful approach to virtual working, studying and socializing can make…
Last week, much of the Midwest and eastern US experienced hazy skies and red sunsets. The cause was smoke transported from…
The SARS-CoV-2 virus usually infects the body via the ACE2 protein. But there is another entry point that allows the virus…
A survey of over a thousand scientists reveals that their goal when communicating about their work is to help the rest of…
News that Venus may harbor life has swept the globe. So how do we find out for sure? A planetary scientist explains what's…
Governments must embrace policies that promote sharing and collective invention to create and distribute a vaccine quickly.
If you’re American – regardless of the color of your skin – racism structures how you think. Changing the system should…
It's easy to edit video of public figures to make them appear asleep, confused, drunk or cognitively impaired when they…
By studying the DNA of people who lived in East Asia thousands of years ago, scientists are starting to untangle how the…
Many great innovators have personality traits in common. Comfort with uncertainty is critical, but passion, curiosity and…
A funeral director explains how the bodies of the deceased are prepared for burial or cremation in the United States.
Russian agents reportedly placed malware in U.S. voter registration systems in 2016 and are actively interfering in the…