Working with dangerous viruses sounds like trouble – but here's what scientists learn from studying
Scientists get up close and personal with deadly pathogens to give doctors the tools they need to treat people sickened…
Scientists get up close and personal with deadly pathogens to give doctors the tools they need to treat people sickened…
Fast radio bursts are the focus of a young and fascinating field of astronomy. Researchers just released data on more than…
When emergency alerts are hard to distinguish from text messages and when they announce the availability of vaccines rather…
Using remnants of fossilized trees, scientists and an artist figured out what the forest looked like long before humans…
Drought has been a threat multiplier for centuries, fueling conflict and migration from the time of the Ottoman Empire to…
Poison can be a deadly defense that helps a mushroom make sure its spores are spread to new places to grow into baby mushrooms.
Bots flooding social media with fake news about politics is bad enough. Muddying the waters in such fields as cybersecurity…
Developers with disabilities are in the best position to build accessible technology, but they face a Catch-22 – most…
Desalination can help meet growing water needs globally. But toxic wastewater and inefficiency hamper current techniques.…
Left turns are dangerous and slow down traffic. One solution? Get rid of them. New research shows that limiting left turns…
After more than a year of idealizing life without COVID-19, people are starting to reenter 'normal' life. Clinical…
Politics always influences what questions scientists ask. Their intertwined relationship becomes a problem when politics…
The COVID-19 vaccines are a smash success. But that doesn't mean they keep every vaccinated person completely free of…
The murky blobs visible with today's wall-penetrating radar could soon give way to detailed images of people and things…
A meta-analysis of 437 studies found that egomaniacs aren't just a bummer – they can be dangerous, too.
Record-keepers have a pretty good sense of how many people have died. But figuring out the cause of those deaths is a lot…
In the early morning of May 26, 2021, there will be a super blood-red lunar eclipse. The show will be spectacular and can…
In the coming decades, governments and private companies will set up permanent bases on the Moon and Mars. And at some point,…
Most people think of trust as active – you place your trust in someone or you don't. But weak cybersecurity, like…
Most computer security focuses on software, but computer processors are vulnerable to hackers, too. An experimental secure…