Sunny with a chance of sneezing – I'm building a tool to forecast pollen levels that will help aller
Scientists are building a pollen forecasting model using meteorology, botany, pollen count numbers and satellite imagery…
Scientists are building a pollen forecasting model using meteorology, botany, pollen count numbers and satellite imagery…
The Earth is constantly changing in natural ways, but most of those changes are very slow. Humans are speeding up other…
A terse piece of legislation from 1996 has been credited with creating the internet as we know it – and blamed for the…
Sexual harassment and discrimination in gaming and tech is not inevitable or permanent, write experts in the field. The…
Combating vaccine misinformation on social media requires blocking sources of misinformation – and giving researchers…
Vaccines can’t provide 100% protection, so it’s not a failure or surprise when some vaccinated people get sick with…
The CDC guidance applies to areas with high coronavirus transmission rates – which on the day of the announcement covered…
Connecting health apps to health care can enable better care for patients with chronic diseases, and it has the potential…
Globally, the temperature changed by half a degree Celsius, but it dramatically altered the likelihood of extreme local…
Mounting research shows that going for a swim can preserve memories, reduce mood disorders and increase mental acuity in…
As rivers run dry in the Rocky Mountains and the West, its easy to wonder where all the snow you see on mountain peaks goes.…
The US is wrestling with the rest of the world for control of the internet. The ‘net as we know it could be a victim of…
Parents face tough choices since young kids can’t yet get COVID-19 vaccinations. An infectious diseases expert offers…
Gravity is something every person on Earth intuitively understands: It is what keeps you on the ground. But how come gravity…
A researcher who studies physical skills explains how getting your conscious thoughts out of the way lets your body do what…
Olympic surfers are coming from around the world to compete in surfing's Olympic debut. But where will the waves come…
As Los Angeles County again mandates masking indoors -- even for the fully vaccinated -- local health officials in the U.S.…
It's difficult to tell a shipwreck from a natural feature on the ocean floor in a scan taken from a plane or ship. This…
The results of Foote's simple experiments were confirmed through hundreds of tests by scientists in the US and Europe.…
In track and field, it's a common belief that middle lanes are the fastest. But according to the data, middle lanes…