How does monkeypox spread? An epidemiologist explains why it isn't an STI and what counts as close c
While the majority of monkeypox cases thus far have been recorded among men who have sex with men, everyone is still at…
While the majority of monkeypox cases thus far have been recorded among men who have sex with men, everyone is still at…
Bringing advanced technologies to the ancient practice of farming could help feed the world’s growing population, but…
A language scientist explains that talking was never invented but has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years.
Declaring monkeypox a national health emergency will allow the U.S. government to direct resources and funds where needed…
While a strong immune response is essential to fight against viral infection, an immune system that continues to stay active…
From figuring out where memories are stored to how sensory information translates to behavior, new technologies are helping…
Since antiquity people have harnessed sound as a weapon, and the practice continues – in new high-tech ways – today.
From thalidomide to resveratrol, molecules with the exact same chemical properties can have drastically different effects…
Whether safety-related fixes demand a software upgrade or a trip to the dealership, carmakers must notify the National Highway…
Gene therapies and vaccines are often injected into muscle cells that are inefficient at producing desired proteins. Making…
Extreme downpours caught people off guard from Las Vegas to Kentucky in July 2022.
The son of a formerly enslaved mother, Charles Henry Turner was the first to discover that bees and other insects have the…
Drugs can interact with one another in ways that are harmful. A study finds that taking oxycodone with certain SSRIs can…
Female statistics students had higher final exam grades than their male peers, even though they had less confidence in their…
With the dual threats of antibiotic resistance and emerging pandemics, finding new drugs becomes even more urgent. A trove…
A few tree species, including American beech and eastern hemlock, were responsible for the bulk of carbon storage.
The head of the Russian space agency announced that the country will withdraw from the International Space Station after…
Psychology researchers know what kinds of behavior enhance feelings of social connection.
Build a powerful enough laser, and you can shine it into space. Aim it well, and you can blind satellites.
To build a true artificial mind, first map out how thinking works. Enter the Common Model of Cognition.