Google's powerful AI spotlights a human cognitive glitch: Mistaking fluent speech for fluent thought
Fluent expression is not always evidence of a mind at work, but the human brain is primed to believe so. A pair of cognitive…
Fluent expression is not always evidence of a mind at work, but the human brain is primed to believe so. A pair of cognitive…
Different painkillers provide relief in different ways. The most effective medication is the one that best targets the type…
The US Environmental Protection Agency is reexamining the health effects of bisphenol A. A chemist explains why BPA is in…
The homogeneity of citizen science volunteers undercuts the ability of these projects to bring science to underserved communities.
Parents are often the primary source of information that children receive from their environment. How consistent parents’…
From initial coin offerings that are totally fake to fraudsters demanding payments in crypto, scams involving cryptocurrencies…
A terrifying sight in ancient waters, the megalodon shark was once the most feared creature in the sea.
Today’s media landscape is a far cry from the days of Watergate. A media scholar looks at the challenge the Jan. 6 committee…
From tablets and patches to ointments and infusions, the best way to deliver a drug is the one that gets the right amount…
The AI AlphaFold can figure out the three-dimensional protein structure any string of amino acids will become. It has now…
A mathematician explains how language can keep your online accounts safe and pinpoint your location on the planet.
While the immune system naturally gets weaker with age, social stressors like trauma and discrimination can hasten immunosenescence.
It has taken eight months to test and calibrate all of the instruments and modes of the James Webb Space Telescope. A scientist…
Who makes money from the metaverse, and how, comes down to what it becomes. And shaping the metaverse is, to a large degree,…
The EU’s proposed regulations don’t align with existing technology. They’re likely to fail – or to break the internet…
This technology, popular when automobiles first caught on, had a short resurgence in the 1970s.
Astronomers studying fast radio bursts recently discovered one that repeats, has a persistent radio signal and originated…
Social psychology researchers found that people commonly exaggerate the presence of certain groups – including ethnic…
As genetic engineering and DNA manipulation tools like CRISPR continue to advance, the distinction between what science…
Psychologists know babies can form memories soon after birth. So why can’t people remember anything that happened to them…