Electric planes are coming: Short-hop regional flights could be running on batteries in a few years
Air Canada and United Airlines both have orders for hybrid electric 30-seaters. An aerospace engineer explains where electrification,…
Air Canada and United Airlines both have orders for hybrid electric 30-seaters. An aerospace engineer explains where electrification,…
Renee Wegrzyn will lead the new Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, which is tasked with speeding up how fast…
As early modern humans spread across the globe, their gut microbes genetically changed with them. Understanding the origins…
Phages, or viruses that infect bacteria, can lie dormant within chromosomes until they’re triggered to replicate and burst…
Ensuring that billions of dollars of federal funding for broadband service are well spent – and that consumers get what…
The power plant’s sixth reactor has been shut down, all but eliminating the risk of a nuclear meltdown. But fighting at…
Existing genetic data and sequencing tools are overwhelmingly based on people of European ancestry, which excludes much…
Research shows underrepresented people in STEM studies thrive in learning environments that address their need to belong,…
Ethereum, one of the world’s largest blockchains and host of decentralized finance, NFTs and billions of dollars’ worth…
Ant feet are equipped with an array of tools – from retractable sticky pads to claws to special spines and hairs – enabling…
Mosquitoes can track down potential hosts using the CO2 released by humans’ metabolic processes, a medical entomologist…
Overcoming the access barriers and biases that underrepresented and underserved communities face could not only improve…
The new discovery echoes a mission in 1931, when a five-day zeppelin flight sent robots to the stratosphere and redrew the…
Videos of humanoid robots dancing and performing backflips in the lab notwithstanding, robots that wash your dishes and…
The common advice to let the other person talk more might backfire if you want to make a positive first impression.
Our ancient ancestors didn’t have clothes or houses – but that constant exposure to the sun helped their skin protect…
Just about every creature on Earth needs to grab some Zs from time to time. Imagine trying to doze while dodging great whites…
Axolotls are amphibians known for their ability to regrow their organs, including their brains. New research clarifies their…
Human embryos are far more likely to die than come to term, an evolutionary trait seen across species. Laws granting personhood…
Former Twitter security chief alleges in a whistleblower complaint gross security malpractice, with many employees having…