Hurricane Ian capped 2 weeks of extreme storms around the globe: Here's what's known about how clima
Two hurricane and climate scientists explain what’s known – and still unknown – about global warming’s influence…
Two hurricane and climate scientists explain what’s known – and still unknown – about global warming’s influence…
While people have wondered about déjà vu for a long time, only recently have scientists started experimentally investigating…
Today’s psychedelics researchers still have to deal with the fallout of the decadeslong freeze on research. Listen to…
The discovery of the role that the protein Piezo1 plays in touch and body awareness won the 2021 Nobel Prize in physiology…
Buying and selling stocks – with real or play money – is a way to harness the wisdom of the crowd about questions like…
Tactical nuclear weapons were designed to be used on the battlefield rather than for strategic defense, but that doesn’t…
Injecting reflective particles into the atmosphere won’t immediately cool the entire planet. A new study shows how parts…
The Double Asteroid Redirection Test successfully showed that it is possible to crash a spacecraft into a small asteroid.…
Erroneous calls increase the chances of subsequent calls in favor of the person who was harmed. What drives this behavior,…
Mobile apps are sometimes ‘regionalized’ to better serve the needs of users, functioning differently in, for example,…
Much of the state is at risk of heavy rainfall, and the coast could see powerful storm surge.
Human memory doesn’t work like a video camera, simply recording a scene as it happens. But researchers know how to help…
Antiretroviral therapies for HIV, while extremely effective, need to be taken daily for life. Designing antibody treatments…
HFCs had been the ‘safer’ replacement for another damaging chemical. Now they’re on the way out under the Kigali Amendment.
Understanding how injury and disease, including COVID-19, can impair lung function can help researchers and clinicians better…
Crashing the 1,340-pound DART probe into the small moonlet orbiting the asteroid Didymos should redirect its trajectory…
Discarded pieces of landing gear, crashed spacecraft and wear and tear have produced a lot of debris that is now scattered…
AI-generated voice-alikes can be indistinguishable from the real person’s speech to the human ear. A computer model that…
Nature begins forming patterns at the molecular level – and sometimes they grow to enormous sizes.
Newly discovered super-Earths add to the list of planets around other stars that offer the best chance of finding life.…