Organ-on-a-chip models allow researchers to conduct studies closer to real-life conditions – and pos
Successes in the lab mostly don’t translate to people. Research models that better mimic the human body could close the…
Successes in the lab mostly don’t translate to people. Research models that better mimic the human body could close the…
Counterintuitively, cells move faster in thicker fluids. New research on breast cancer cells explains why, and reveals the…
Many microscopy techniques have won Nobel Prizes over the years. Advancements like cryo-ET that allow scientists to see…
Polyurethane foams are the world’s sixth-most-produced plastic yet among the least recycled materials.
Green jobs go beyond solar panel installation and wind turbine maintenance. They’re found in fields from design to economics…
The proteins that cover nanoparticles are essential to understanding how they work in the body. Across 17 proteomics facilities…
A key piece of federal law, Section 230, has been credited with fostering the internet and allowing misinformation and hate…
Tiny fluctuations in the time between each beat of your heart can provide clues about how much stress your body is experiencing.
Sound sleep, for long enough every night, with consistent bed and wake-up times are critical for kids’ health. A child…
An overactive immune response to infection can be deadly. Studying how one key player called tumor necrosis factor, or TNF,…
In winter, light in the northern latitudes is dim and very blue compared to summer light. Reindeer eyes have evolved to…
Gamma-ray bursts occur when a massive star explodes or when two neutron stars merge. A newly discovered burst has puzzled…
The intersection of content management, misinformation, aggregated data about human behavior and crowdsourcing shows how…
Scientific and public uproar resulted when the Chinese scientist announced the births of the first human babies with heritable…
People with an active case of shingles have up to an 80% higher risk of stroke than those without. The increased risk is…
Millions of people around the world suffered through deadly flooding and long-lasting heat waves in 2022. A climate scientist…
Astrology and astronomy were once practiced side by side by scientists like Galileo and Kepler. And they’re more similar…
When mud, fluids and gases erupt at the Earth’s surface, they hint at what’s happening underground, allowing scientists…
Keeping human foods away from pets is one way to avoid emergency veterinary hospital runs during Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa…
Amphibians have been devastated by a chytrid fungus pandemic. Researchers immunized California red-legged frogs in Yosemite…