Social media and political violence – how to break the cycle
When political discourse is devoid of facts and high on demonization, it’s no surprise that political violence is the…
When political discourse is devoid of facts and high on demonization, it’s no surprise that political violence is the…
In 1988, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that independent counsels were constitutional.
Lone wolf attackers like Matthew Thomas Crooks pose the greatest security threats in the country – and are hardest to…
Curators from the Smithsonian will be at the GOP convention collecting items from buttons to banners. Their goal: to add…
A scholar of political assassinations says the US just narrowly avoided plunging into wholesale violence and potential civil…
Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and other presidents showed that getting limited information as president can have some…
The most successful teams at Europe’s soccer championship comprise diverse players, often thanks to immigration. Could…
Overseas-based sports betting companies offer wagers in the US on who will clinch a party’s presidential nomination and…
if political loyalty replaces merit as the basis of key federal appointments, Americans can expect government to be less…
The raised fist has been used by fascists, socialists, communists, Black Power advocates and even golfer Tiger Woods. It’s…
Though largely unread, party platforms are a vital clue about which groups hold real power in the two major national parties…
Nearly 20% of House and Senate members are 70 or older, and only 6% are under 40. What explains Congress’ advanced age?
Is there a plot among journalists to push President Joe Biden out of the race? Why are so many journalists focusing on Biden’s…
On issues and policies in which government has a serious role – taxes, immigration, the state of the economy and even…
While people rely less on TV for their daily news than they used to, it remains influential − and the TV storytelling…
Politicians often are firmly committed to what they say they will do – until they announce otherwise.
In the ugly spectacle of American politics, it’s hard to keep humanity in sight. But literature, says a poet and scholar…
Under normal circumstances, Trump’s criminal record and other aspects of his life, including financial history, would…
Political ad transparency – who’s paying for ads and whether candidates stand behind them – is well-regulated for…
The three-day meeting is touted as a time to celebrate the alliance’s 75th anniversary. But gathered leaders face serious…