Why inflation will likely stay sky-high regardless of which party wins the midterms
Many voters say inflation is the issue that matters to them most as they head to the polls. The problem is, the people they…
Many voters say inflation is the issue that matters to them most as they head to the polls. The problem is, the people they…
What’s at stake when Americans lose faith in the legitimacy of the Supreme Court?
Many people define ‘bias’ as ‘anything that doesn’t agree with me.’ But are the news media really biased?
Many small island nations are struggling to protect their land from rising seas while also facing paralyzing debt.
Americans voters are angry about everything from abortion to inflation. While anger is good for voter turnout, it’s ultimately…
Waves of US troops and international peacekeeping forces have repeatedly failed to make Haiti more stable for more than…
Shame and guilt seem equally foreign to many politicians and public figures these days. Rather than cover their bad behavior…
Many AI algorithms, like facial recognition software, have been shown to be discriminatory to people of color, especially…
Winning elections isn’t just a matter of how many players you have. It’s how engaged they are.
People understand the world through the stories they are told and tell, a historian writes. In the case of the war in Ukraine,…
A new wave of prosecutors, known as progressives, say that public safety can exist with policies like eliminating cash bail…
Nearly two-thirds of all votes cast in the 2020 presidential election were made through early in-person voting or by mail,…
Most of the election-related lawsuits now before state courts focus on fine details of election procedures. This can be…
Ronald Reagan may have been known as ‘The Great Communicator,’ but rap artists don’t view his legacy through such…
Supporters and volunteers love them. But it’s difficult for political scientists to determine whether they even influence…
Is it unfair to make money from works that borrow from copyrighted work?
Americans’ political affiliations and views on key issues vary a lot by age. When fewer young people vote, winning candidates…
In the midterms, some religious voters may be motivated by the argument that if abortion is funded with tax dollars, it…
Political debate has always been filled with heated words and deeply held emotions. But the level of civility in political…
Every citizen has the right to vote. But various characteristics and legal requirements affect how likely any one person…