Biden's executive order puts civil rights in the middle of the AI regulation discussion
If safety is the heart of the Biden administration’s executive order on AI, then civil rights is its soul.
If safety is the heart of the Biden administration’s executive order on AI, then civil rights is its soul.
A scholar of the Mideast at a large public university says that caring and a commitment to free speech have been central…
First used in the 1970s, the social theory known as intersectionality triggered widespread debate on racial identifications…
The violence of the 1938 pogrom against Jews in Nazi Germany known as Kristallnacht was a turning point in Hitler’s ‘Final…
Missiles from rebel Yemeni groups risk widening the Middle East conflict. But the motivation behind the attacks could be…
The hospital blast site has largely been cleared, Hamas says. But a forensic scientist explains what other evidence independent…
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has presided over disasters before – and remained in power. But is the intelligence…
As Rupert Murdoch prepares to hand over the keys to his media empire, what will his legacy be?
In the wake of the three-week internal GOP battle to choose a speaker, a scholar of Congress says that what looks like dysfunction…
Trump’s call for violence is only part of a larger push for social disruption and destruction. For only in the wake of…
With the balance of political power at stake in the Virginia legislature, voters in this key swing state may reveal clues…
The autocratic Law and Justice Party looks set to be turfed out by a center-left coalition, which gained more than half…
Many people who aren’t Jewish are responding as if what’s been taking place is just another episode of Israeli-Palestinian…
For Jewish people, Hamas’ violence against children was reminiscent of the Holocaust. For Palestinians, The Israel Defense…
Shortly after World War II, European Jews immigrated to American cities like Boston and were often met with violent antisemitism.
No government wants to have to deal with a hostage crisis. A former US national security official explains that there is…
With control over the Virginia Legislature at stake in the Nov. 7 election, the historic battle over what is taught in public…
Government sanctions against Hamas, which the US and the European Union consider a terrorist group, mean that aid groups…
Turkey walks a fine line between NATO commitments and Western alliances and its dependence on Russia for financial resources…
The problems faced by the House GOP in choosing a new speaker aren’t particular to Republicans. They’re a reflection…