Colombian guerrilla leader ends controversial presidential bid, giving peace a chance
A former FARC rebel commander-turned- presidential candidate has withdrawn from Colombia's 2018 election. Despite increased…
A former FARC rebel commander-turned- presidential candidate has withdrawn from Colombia's 2018 election. Despite increased…
During Sunshine Week, three scholars of government transparency look at a potential collision between the old freedom of…
A former US Department of Defense and State Department official explains why a hard-line approach on North Korea will likely…
Whenever we apply that political or moral comparison, we set the bar for inhumanity as high as possible. Should the abyss…
The nation's biggest gun advocacy group operates as a bundle of distinct organizations. It's a fairly common arrangement,…
A scholar who has profiled leaders like Saddam Hussein and Vladimir Putin says there is a method to understanding the madness.
Many an international crisis has been defused by international arbitration. Could the same tools help resolve the North…
The share of people who give their time to good causes is starting to dip.
Florida does not have a 'red flag' law that would have let police seize Nikolas Cruz's guns before he killed.…
New research on Latin America's four recent female presidents disproves the idea that merely putting a woman in power…
The search for a direct causal connection from public opinion to specific policies, including gun control, may be like hunting…
The admired US ambassador to Mexico is resigning, even as the two countries spat over trade, immigration and Trump's…
Scholars have you covered on all sides of the 'Dreamers' issue, with solid research to boot.
In many Mexican cities, water is treated as a political bargaining chip – a favor that public officials can trade for…
The First Amendment protects everything from porn to hateful signs outside military funerals. That includes fundraising…
The current period of partisan division in the US isn't unique. We can learn from past President Dwight Eisenhower on…
Together, two parties with a tough stance on immigration and the EU – the Five Star Movement and the League – received…
Our current politically turbulent times in the US are difficult – but not unusual. History shows that fragility is the…
Research shows they face greater obstacles to election than their male counterparts, thus work harder and represent constituents…
The upcoming census, like many before it, will boil complex information on race, ethnicity and ancestry into just two questions.…