Nicaraguans try to topple a dictator — again
History shows that Latin American presidents usually don't last long after they use violence to repress mass protests.…
History shows that Latin American presidents usually don't last long after they use violence to repress mass protests.…
Immigrant raids can cause long-term community trauma. The raids can also lead to new political alliances that reshape the…
Yemen's civil war is a stew of local and foreign interests, from Washington, Saudi Arabia to Iran. And the latest battle…
Dos candidatos de la votación presidencial en Colombia se enfrentan el 17 de junio, un ex guerrillero y un conservador.…
International law recognizes that women and LGBTQ people face unique forms of violence that may qualify them for asylum.…
A survey shows that most Puerto Ricans didn't highly rate the official information coming out of the island. With the…
Trump's anti-immigrant policies are leading more Central Americans to stay put in Mexico. Mexico's presidential…
Any movement against sexual assault must take into account historical, state-sanctioned violence against black women in…
Lincoln's description of the Union as a house divided is well-remembered today. But many Americans fail to heed its…
A lack of affordable housing makes homelessness especially pervasive and visible on the West Coast.
Los argentinos están decididos a no perdonar ni olvidar a los criminales que mataron o desaparecieron a más de 30,000…
La oposición de Venezuela ha convocado un paro de 48 horas para evitar que el gobierno de Maduro vuelva a redactar la constitución…
As the US talks up denuclearizing North Korea, a former defense department official takes a look at the status of America's…
Countries have some flexibility in interpreting UN agreements on refugee rights. But Sessions' decision that abused…
The declaration was thin, but the meeting itself will have a significant impact on how Trump makes foreign policy decisions…
Venezuela has freed 79 political prisoners in recent months, to global plaudits. But the hard-line regime has also charged…
In 2016, the number of international tourists to the US dropped by more than 2 percent, while tourism trended upward worldwide.…
Sen. John McCain, facing terminal cancer, will end his career with growing repudiation by his party and the public of positions,…
Simply based on how they are housed, forcibly separating immigrant kids from their families is bound to make a bad situation…
Appointing judges to lifetime terms can be among a president’s longest lasting legacies. The overwhelming majority of…