US 'zero-tolerance' immigration policy still violating fundamental human rights laws
Trump’s executive order to end family separations at the border is too little too late, a human rights expert writes.…
Trump’s executive order to end family separations at the border is too little too late, a human rights expert writes.…
Trump administration officials falsely claim the law required them to separate immigrant families. The same excuse was used…
Undocumented entries across the border are at all-time lows. The people now arriving are not Mexican workers, but a smaller…
Terrorists are wealthy. They're poor. They're Christian. They're atheists. They come from all over. That's…
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, el candidato presidencial favorito de México, busca terminar con la violencia en el país…
President Trump is criticized for wreaking havoc on the international order, where the US was the established leader. But…
History shows that the US court system isn't sympathetic to illegal migrants when it comes to parental rights.
The attorney general can decide immigration cases because immigration courts are part of the DOJ, not the judiciary. This…
Turkey's snap election is on Sunday. One fact is clear: The candidates and electorate are both nationalist and pious.…
Las falsas noticias están dividiendo a los venezolanos, haciendo que el final pacífico de su profunda crisis sea cada…
Trump's defense of harsh immigration tactics and dehumanizing language should ring alarm bells, according to two scholars…
China want to win the World Cup by 2050. This year, its team didn't even qualify for the tournament. China has money,…
Guatemala has ended its Fuego volcano rescue mission and declared 110 dead. But people in the hot, ash-covered eruption…
There are strong parallels between the Trump administration’s policy on immigrant families and the 19th century's…
Many observers had hoped that the court's decision on Gill v. Whitford would provide some clarity on whether gerrymandering…
Who's in charge of deciding how immigrants coming over the US-Mexico border are treated? Both Congress and the executive…
Trump hopes migrants won't come if they know their children will be taken away. That grim logic ignores the inescapable…
The National Memorial for Peace and Justice helps demonstrate that the lynching of black people was not the fault of victims.…
After mass killings, politicians feel compelled to offer solutions to gun violence. One of the most common answers is better…
In the most peaceful election in their modern history, Colombians have elected as their next president a conservative who…