How the mafia uses violence to control politics
Italy saw 1,191 attacks on politicians from 2013 to 2015. A new study reveals, for the first time, the destructive effect…
Italy saw 1,191 attacks on politicians from 2013 to 2015. A new study reveals, for the first time, the destructive effect…
How do you know whether to trust a poll? Look carefully at how it was conducted – and examine your own biases.
Up to 5,000 refugees flee hunger and chaos in Venezuela each day – a migrant crisis rivaling Syria's. Most arrive…
Some people are habitual conspiracy thinkers – there’s a plan behind everything, and it’s usually malevolent. One…
The US was once the dominant force in the Middle East. That old order has disappeared. Now the new powers are Iran, Turkey,…
Data reveal that sexual assault is common among boys and girls under the age of 18. Sexual violence experts share key facts…
Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, forever changing the lives of the children who survived. Their stories can help…
The midterm elections have put America's political divide front and center, increasingly invading the work space and…
Young people of color are disproportionately affected by the lifelong consequences of having a criminal record.
Today, 8 out of every 10 Americans live in a city or suburb.
It's been one year since a Category 4 storm turned Puerto Rico into a disaster zone. Today, nearly every pillar of society…
Transgender voting rights could be undermined in two broad ways during the 2018 midterm elections.
The Masterpiece Cakeshop case in the Supreme Court was not just a showdown over gay rights and religious liberty. It also…
Cuba es un país laico. Pero frente a una nueva Constitución que permitiría el matrimonio gay, las iglesias han salido…
Cuba is avowedly secular. But as the country debates a new Constitution that would protect LGBT rights, churches have come…
From human suffering to political chicanery to environmental degradation, the tide of bad news, blared in headlines every…
With such an enormous challenge, where would it make sense to start? We looked into our archives for stories on what it…
A record number of immigrant children are being detained in the US. Here's what you need to know.
Forged documents were used by the US government 100 years ago to justify hostile actions against Russia. All but one US…
Before colonialism, India embraced homosexuality and gender fluidity. The Supreme Court's repeal of a 157-year-old gay…