Warriors against sexual violence win Nobel Peace Prize: 4 essential reads
With the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to two leaders who fight against sexual violence as a tool of war, we looked into…
With the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to two leaders who fight against sexual violence as a tool of war, we looked into…
Pollsters at the University of Texas in Austin explain why the numbers just don't add up for the Democrat.
Fifty years ago, soldiers gunned down hundreds of student protesters in a Mexico City plaza. It was neither the first nor…
Brett Kavanaugh presented himself as a good and reputable man in his recent Senate hearing. But a man's social status…
One striking feature of Brett Kavanaugh's testimony was the number of times he interrupted. Data shows that hearing…
In Brazil, a record 1,237 black women will stand for office in Sunday's general election. As in the US, their campaigns…
Researchers set out across four cities to ask the public, what it would it take to rebuild your trust in the media? Here's…
A century ago, Russian leaders staged mock trials on rape and abortion to educate citizens about new Soviet laws and values.…
Before she became a Supreme Court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s work as an attorney in the 1970s fundamentally changed…
From Thomas Jefferson to Donald Trump, the idea of the little guy ignored by politicians has loomed large in American political…
In promoting men to positions of power, companies and other organizations have frequently brushed aside allegations of sexual…
Contentious or politically driven Supreme Court nominations are not new. But US history shows that many of those contested…
What exactly do we mean by teenage behavior? And who gets to be this kind of teenager?
In scrutinizing statues honoring Confederate figures, journalists have overlooked military bases named after generals who…
Anita Hill charged in 1991 that Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas sexually harassed her. He was still confirmed. Now,…
Italy saw 1,191 attacks on politicians from 2013 to 2015. A new study reveals, for the first time, the destructive effect…
How do you know whether to trust a poll? Look carefully at how it was conducted – and examine your own biases.
Up to 5,000 refugees flee hunger and chaos in Venezuela each day – a migrant crisis rivaling Syria's. Most arrive…
Some people are habitual conspiracy thinkers – there’s a plan behind everything, and it’s usually malevolent. One…
The US was once the dominant force in the Middle East. That old order has disappeared. Now the new powers are Iran, Turkey,…