Sen. Martha McSally, pioneering Air Force pilot, shows how stereotypes victimize sexual assault surv
Sen. Martha McSally has broken gender barriers right and left. Despite the power she amassed over a career of firsts, she…
Sen. Martha McSally has broken gender barriers right and left. Despite the power she amassed over a career of firsts, she…
New England Patriots CEO Robert Kraft's criminal charges in a suspected sex trafficking case draw new attention to this…
The Syrian civil war has ended, but there are millions of Syrian refugees living in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon. With danger…
Hundreds of thousands of women helped the Nazi cause. Few ever faced justice.
These youngsters have ample fervor, and they are dramatically photogenic. Dismissing them as being fake or lightweight can…
In a pilot program, older prisoners sentenced to life mentor younger prisoners who have a chance to lead productive, lawful…
Brazil's president has threatened military intervention in neighboring Venezuela, called its leader a 'dictator'…
A new act requires that all nonsensitive government data be made available publicly by January 2020. But the plan could…
Like today's Western women who joined ISIS and now want to return home, American women with British sympathies during…
A scholar of discrimination law explains why regulations set up in the 1960s are still critical to protecting racial groups…
The US has been at war in Afghanistan since a few weeks after 9/11. Now we are negotiating a peace with the Taliban, the…
India and Pakistan have been fighting for control over Kashmir, an 86,000-square-mile territory in the Himalayas, for seven…
Abortion rates tripled in Latin America and doubled in Africa under the Bush-era 'global gag rule.' The law, which…
The longtime prime minister has reshaped Israel in profound ways. The military is stronger but Palestinian suffering has…
Many of the men and women who left homes in the West to join ISIS or similar terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq as…
History shows that diplomacy takes time and many incremental steps forward, a diplomacy expert writes.
Psychological phenomena like confirmation bias and the Dunning-Kruger effect make it easy for people to fall for deliberate…
While Trump may be an extreme example, much of the conduct Cohen highlighted reflects attitudes and actions commonplace…
Michael Cohen wants you to know that throwing your kid a ball doesn't make you a Red Sox pitcher. So he told lies, he…
Cuba no ha legalizado el matrimonio gay, como esperaban los activistas LGBT. Pero sí criminaliza la discriminación de…