Half a million American minors now live in Mexico
Between 2000 and 2015, the population of U.S. citizen minors living in Mexico more than doubled. Who are the kids living…
Between 2000 and 2015, the population of U.S. citizen minors living in Mexico more than doubled. Who are the kids living…
This state law is leaving up to a million people unable to participate in elections who might have gotten relief through…
The political implications of the citizenship question made this case politically volatile and controversial – even for…
The 1929 immigration measure has become a focal point due to Trump’s crackdown on undocumented people, including families.
The problems facing America are unrestrained capitalism and corruption, said the Democratic presidential candidates over…
LGBT Americans under 24 are more likely to volunteer, sign petitions and attend rallies and demonstrations.
The Supreme Court has issued what's likely to be its final word on partisan gerrymandering, saying it's a political…
A 15-year-old fleeing violence in El Salvador came to the US in 1985. Her immigration case sparked a Supreme Court decision…
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders is leaving her job, and two media scholars reflect on the career of the very first…
Some parks reduce violence in the local vicinity. Other parks attract crime. The difference has to do with how these urban…
More than one-quarter of home care workers are born outside of the U.S. Stricter immigration laws could make it harder to…
Done right, aid fosters greater stability and boosts the economy. That reduces incentives to move away.
For their next president, Guatemalans must choose between two veteran politicians with shady pasts and alleged ties to organized…
The US isn't the only country considering a military response to Iranian aggression.
The more candidates that there are, the likelier it is that voters cannot come to a consensus on the best candidate.
Iran's leaders are threatening to breach a 2015 agreement that froze their country's nuclear program. What is uranium…
Fort Sill, a military base in Oklahoma, will soon house 1,400 Central American children, the Trump administration says.…
A controversial extradition law has been suspended in Hong Kong after more than a week of mass public resistance. Hong Kong's…
As part of a new 'metering' policy, US officials are turning asylum seekers away at ports of entry along the southern…
When no one in Mississippi wins a majority of votes in an election, the legislature chooses the winner. This has led to…