DACA heads to the Supreme Court: 6 essential reads
On October 12, the Supreme Court heard arguments on the Trump administration's decision to end the Deferred Action for…
On October 12, the Supreme Court heard arguments on the Trump administration's decision to end the Deferred Action for…
Trump's attempt to co-opt Ukraine's precarious position with Russia worsens existing divides inside Ukraine and…
Democrats and Republicans are speaking about impeachment with dramatically different language. The winner of this frame…
From the earliest days of democracy, thinkers have warned that letting the people rule could work out badly.
East Germans feel alienated and powerless. They see themselves as second-class citizens, while outsiders live high on what…
No written law or rule requires the senators to remain silent on the issues. But it's probably a good idea, and a promising…
When Vice President Spiro Agnew gave a speech in 1969 bashing the press, he fired some of the first shots in a culture war…
Veterans of past wars have long been at the forefront of peace advocacy in the United States.
Emergency responders and military personnel need to think creatively – even imaginatively – to save lives under pressure.…
A task force has been assembled in the US Senate to fight anti-Semitism. A specialist in Jewish-American history says the…
Despite many attempts, the Kurds have never won and kept their own nation -- though, after World War I, they came close.
In a survey, 56% of Americans aged 14 to 24 said they knew little to nothing about the juvenile justice system.
Whistleblowers may stop bad behavior and protect others from harm.
'California is America fast-forward,' writes one scholar. Does that mean that the dystopian infernos that have consumed…
Economic and political trends are driving a shift away from coal. What kind of assistance do coal workers and communities…
American farmers have suffered the most as a result of China's retaliatory tariffs yet surveys show they still back…
Since 1990, the homicide rate has declined by 20%. Researchers are still figuring out what's behind the trend: increased…
A Mississippi law that allegedly makes it 'more difficult for African- American-preferred candidates to win elections'…
Women and children remain vulnerable to harm even after intimate violence has occurred. Coordinating a community's response…
Both sides can point to the Vienna Convention and to diplomatic tradition to support their case.