On TV, political ads are regulated – but online, anything goes
This election season, the public is closely watching how social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are handling political…
This election season, the public is closely watching how social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are handling political…
Distrust of the US – even if misplaced – can linger for decades, thwarting Washington’s foreign policy goals. A former…
Learn more about the economic issues that were debated by the Democratic presidential candidates in Atlanta on Nov. 20.
Both political parties are trying to draw analogies between the impeachment process and a criminal trial – for political…
Ukrainian President Zelenskiy has some not-so-funny issues facing him. Having his country ridiculed in the impeachment hearings…
As more people of color move to the suburbs, they might not find the full range of opportunities that white European ethnic…
Revolutions are built not on deep misery but on rising expectations. History may not provide much hope of immediate change…
Today’s autocrats rarely use brute force to wrest control. A human rights and international law scholar details the modern…
Since its beginnings, theater has been where the public can see what was happening, a venue for transparency and a point…
To quell weeks of protest over extreme inequality, Chile's president has agreed to rewrite the country's constitution,…
The United States is the only developed, democratic country that has a political culture of selling ambassadorships.
Oligarchs have made headlines recently as the impeachment hearings against President Donald Trump move forward.
Jean-Jacques Dessalines, who freed Haiti from French colonial rule in 1804, is revered as a spirit in the Haitian religion.…
Voters tend to view female candidates as strong on issues like education and health care, but weak on national security.…
Fees for everything from green cards to naturalization are not only common, but increasingly costly and mandatory.
A recent federal court ruling lets big telecom companies censor the internet in ways that boost their own profits – but…
From Santiago and La Paz to Beirut and Jakarta, many of the cities now gripped by protest share a common problem: They've…
The first day of public impeachment testimony was defined, in part, by strongly worded statements from Representatives Adam…
Norms are perceptions or beliefs about what we understand the rules for acceptable behavior to be. Trump's impeachment…
The Hyde Amendment bans federal abortion funding for most people.