How to know which impeachment polls to believe – and which to skip
Members of Congress factor what the public thinks into their decisions. But it's difficult to measure what the public…
Members of Congress factor what the public thinks into their decisions. But it's difficult to measure what the public…
Kurdish women have fought on the front lines of military battles since the 19th century. A scholar explains the origins…
Voters are primarily partisans, and they respond to party signals -- even when they claim otherwise.
A critic of Obama's two terms explains how the 44th president's personality and his politics of 'least resistance'…
Since defending northern Syria from the Islamic State, Kurdish people have established an egalitarian society where women…
Trump officials plan to send asylum seekers from the US to El Salvador while their claims are processed. That would expose…
Progressives are leading in the presidential elections of Argentina, Uruguay and Bolivia, bucking the region's recent…
The pro-Kremlin Russian political and media establishment have grown increasingly skilled at spinning stories to highlight…
Somewhere between the early Buddhist times and today, worries about game addiction have given way to scientific understanding…
The Supreme Court has taken up several cases of sex discrimination against LGBT workers who were fired from their jobs.…
Las tormentas grandes que traen mucha lluvia pueden restaurar el balance natural entre los peces nativos y las especies…
Investigations often damage the president's approval rating, particularly if the inquiry drags on for a long time. But…
The gunmaker's move to stop selling AR-15s to civilians is not a response to concerns about gun control. Instead it's…
The US is violating its own law governing treatment of refugees.
Citing national security, Ecuador, Peru and Chile have all made it harder for Venezuelan migrants to enter the country,…
The U.S. under Trump is no longer seen as the enemy by Europe's New Right, who are the ideological descendants of the…
Data show that the US intervenes more in other countries' affairs than it did in the past. It also currently hires fewer…
President Trump solicited foreign help for his presidential campaign. So did presidential candidate Richard Nixon. The difference,…
The upcoming Supreme Court session will address notable cases about the rights of different groups. The cases go to the…
The cleared land of Paraguay's Chaco forest produces everyday products like charcoal and leather that are sold abroad…