With Boris Johnson in intensive care, who runs the UK?
The United Kingdom does not have a written constitution or a specific plan for what to do if the prime minister is too ill…
The United Kingdom does not have a written constitution or a specific plan for what to do if the prime minister is too ill…
National emergencies allow for the purest expressions of sovereign power, testing the government’s commitment to human…
When US governors declared a state of emergency is likely pivotal in mitigating how hard COVID-19 hits their states. And…
About 48% of Latino US citizens fear deportation for themselves, their loved ones or their communities. That's up from…
It's important to strike a balance between protecting Americans' privacy and having accurate statistics for governments…
One more casualty of the coronavirus pandemic: open government. Since the crisis began, local, state and federal officials…
Gangs are still a significant reality in US prisons. But most inmates say that their power has been watered down, and they…
Coroanvirus has ended politics as normal. What will campaigning look like without handshaking, high fives and the kissing…
How accurate will the 2020 census be? A demographer explains which communities are hard to count, how the coronavirus could…
Federal government officials are on television almost every day responding to the coronavirus pandemic. But it's the…
The United States is at risk of lacking data from more than 10 million undocumented immigrants in the 2020 census.
The paradox of the stockpile is that it's meant to protect against future threats, but is limited by today's imagination…
Did members of Congress illegally sell stocks after getting inside information about the pandemic from federal officials?…
Seven states are moving to ban abortions, along with other 'elective' medical services, during the coronavirus crisis.…
It isn't wrong to laugh at coronavirus comedy. Rather a chortle here and there will help us through the crisis, and…
Countries have been trying to count their populations since the Han dynasty in China.
Most states have rules that could preserve the integrity of an election while also allowing social distancing.
Everyone in Syria is fighting a slightly different war from everyone else, there are outsiders with their own goals –…
Germans are struggling like the rest of the world with the coronavirus. And while Germans have a strong safety net and medical…
What international families can teach the rest of us about sustaining long-distance relationships.