Doctors facing grim choice over ventilators told to put patients with disabilities at the back of th
Doctors face difficult choices about rationing medical care. A scholar who studies discrimination argues that those with…
Doctors face difficult choices about rationing medical care. A scholar who studies discrimination argues that those with…
Throughout the coronavirus crisis, President Trump has made inconsistent statements about who is responsible for key aspects…
In many states, any voter can ask for an absentee ballot and mail it in – but in others, there are stricter rules about…
Even as Americans are all told to remain at home, millions are now unemployed and must scramble to figure out how to pay…
Half of incarcerated individuals have either a chronic medical or a mental health condition. But social distancing and rigorous…
A historian of ancient Greece looks past a plague and explains how a massive government spending plan went badly awry 2,500…
In the UK, nobody collects patients' insurance information or credit card details. There's simply no charge for…
With the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, veterans who were already lacking adequate benefits and resources…
In the 1790s, penal reformers rebuilt America's squalid jails as airy, hygienic places meant to keep residents – and…
In his endorsement of Biden, Obama gave his consent for his former running mate to go beyond the policy platform they built.…
With officers being hit by illness, arrests have dropped during the coronavirus crisis. Meanwhile crime rates have remained…
Young voters are important to the continuity of democracy because voting at a young age leads to continued voting throughout…
The Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts has reversed its decadeslong practice of protecting voters' rights…
Since the Cold War, Americans have shifted from engaging in active self-rescue to passively waiting for help from a centralized,…
We don't know a whole lot about COVID-19, and journalists are struggling with how to convey the facts we have.
As Congress considers further financial help for victims of the coronavirus pandemic, the magnitude of the fiscal crisis…
Criminal gangs, insurgents and terrorist groups seek to protect the people in the areas they govern, when a central government's…
Discontent over the handling of the crisis and a worsening economy could heighten concerns over civic fragility. And that…
A nationally mandated quarantine isn't keeping Colombia's armed groups at home. Despite calls for a ceasefire, they…
When a government's health messaging during a crisis is inconsistent or unrealistic, it engenders the kind of confusion,…