4 lawsuits that challenge Trump's federal agents in Portland test issues other cities will likely fa
The lawsuits filed in Portland sparked by the presence of federal law enforcement agents sent there by President Trump are…
The lawsuits filed in Portland sparked by the presence of federal law enforcement agents sent there by President Trump are…
Despite its progressive image, Minneapolis is one of the most segregated cities in the United States. That is by design…
The 30th anniversary of the American with Disabilities Act offers a chance to celebrate the greater inclusion of disabled…
Many people who participate in disinformation campaigns are unwitting accomplices and much of the information they spread…
Party platforms are a vital clue about which groups hold real power in the two major national parties, and can help predict…
A constitutional law scholar says that the arguments made by anti-mask protesters that the Constitution protects their freedom…
Violence in the criminal-justice system isn't limited to police. It's time to pay more attention to violent deaths…
Voters across the nation should prepare for similar circumstances in their communities – but there is still time for them…
Before presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, before Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, there was Congresswoman and firebrand…
The Russian cyberthreat, now targeting coronavirus vaccine research, goes back over three decades, extends into the country's…
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social networks say they are targeting hate, but they're overlooking a major source…
For a COVID-19 vaccine to stop the pandemic, a large percentage of the population will have to get vaccinated. A law professor…
With a Supreme Court ruling rejecting one of the founders' two reasons for creating the Electoral College, only one…
As state and local governments lure businesses to their shores with financial incentives, a recent study finds that two…
COVID-19 has accelerated the decline in local and national journalism. Is it time to find a new funding model, or for the…
Hackers demonstrated they can take over Twitter's technology infrastructure, a brazen move that hints at how such an…
A former lawyer for the US House of Representatives explains the constitutional and historical limits barring Congress from…
Symbols of the Confederacy can be seen in Brazil, Ireland, Germany and beyond. While some people may not grasp their racist…
People who object to the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion have fought it for years. A recent Supreme…
Voting by mail is rarely subject to fraud, does not give an advantage to one political party over another and can in fact…