Lessons from embedding with the Michigan militia – 5 questions answered about the group allegedly pl
Much remains unknown so far about an alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, but five themes will remain…
Much remains unknown so far about an alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, but five themes will remain…
Two Lumbee scholars who have mined local archives in search of tribal history raise the profound question: Who has the rights…
Biden and Trump are both preparing for a court battle in November. But when the Electoral College produces no clear winner,…
People typically underestimate how much white nationalism goes on in the military, but when they learn the truth, they're…
This year is seeing a high number of absentee and mail-in ballots and voting in the period before Election Day -- but early…
Amy Coney Barrett may be a woman, but Trump’s other judicial appointments are 85% white and 76% male – the least diverse…
Who belongs a heartbeat away from the president?
A classics scholar and poet turns to Greek mythology, especially the story of Oedipus the King, to explain the drama --…
How do you run a political campaign in a pandemic? From data brokers to advertising firms to voter registration volunteers,…
What might be the global geopolitical significance of Trump's positive COVID-19 test?
The country is not completely rudderless, even if many senior officials are quarantining to help curb the spread of the…
COVID-19 has created new hardships for migrants while giving the Trump administration an excuse to further restrict asylum…
Republicans and Democrats take sharply different positions on managing US public lands, but there's solid consensus…
A recent Pew survey showed just how deep the divide has become, with about 40% of registered voters saying that they didn't…
A saucy, perfectly delivered retort by Democratic vice presidential candidate Lloyd Bentsen didn't hurt the Bush-Quayle…
So far, Trump and Biden are spending money on Facebook and Instagram at roughly the same rate as Trump and Hillary Clinton…
A president may transfer power to the vice president if they are no longer capable of carrying out their official role.…
President Trump was direct in announcing he had COVID-19. But presidents in the past have been very good at deceiving the…
Functional political debates, like healthy democracies, require participants who respect the process and follow mutually…
How an uncharismatic Kentucky lawyer came to rule the Senate and remake the federal judiciary from top to bottom.