So-called 'Latino vote' is 32 million Americans with diverse political opinions and national origins
What the polls and the candidates keep getting wrong about the United States' largest minority group.
What the polls and the candidates keep getting wrong about the United States' largest minority group.
The US economy historically does better under Democratic presidents than Republicans, with far fewer months spent in recession
No other state in the South has had such large urban and suburban population growth since 2000.
Scholars of race, foreign policy and the Supreme Courts give their informed predictions of what to expect under a Biden…
As vote counts tick upward, people may have questions about why one candidate does better with mail-in votes or in-person…
When President Trump claimed in a press conference that the election was being stolen from him, three major TV networks…
Election misinformation typically involves false narratives of fraud that include out-of-context or otherwise misleading…
Judges are generally reluctant to decide elections, as the Supreme Court controversially did in 2020. As a result, Trump's…
The GOP is hoping the ghosts of Florida past will tilt the race in Trump's favor. But Joe Biden's apparent electoral…
Were GOP incumbents able to rely on their rural supporters to fend off Democrats' growing strength in the suburbs?
How Georgia found its way past write-in votes cast by dead voters, spiked drinks served to lawmakers, changed locks on the…
Every election triggers distress for some people. Here are some ways to possibly cope.
The debate over how to classify gig workers pits flexibility against the higher incomes and benefits that come with being…
The numbers of women headed to Congress are down slightly from a record high in 2018.
Polls predicted a 'blue wave' that didn't materialize.
Five of the six disputed presidential elections in US history were resolved and the country moved on -- but one ended in…
Three approaches were debated during the Constitutional Convention -- election by Congress, selection by state legislatures…
Delaware's Sarah McBride made history on Tuesday when she won a state Senate seat, becoming the US's highest-ranking…
An expert on the history of polling has a first take on how pollsters did this year.
Media outlets used visual metaphors to explain to the public how election results would emerge.