Why disputes between Congress and the White House so often end up in court
When presidents have tried to address pressing issues through executive action, members of Congress are quick to ask the…
When presidents have tried to address pressing issues through executive action, members of Congress are quick to ask the…
Civilian peacekeepers are trying to stop violence before it starts.
The United States has a robust food supply chain and a social safety net in place that could, if fully utilized, nearly…
To repair the public's dwindling trust in the federal government, politicians must recommit to the impartial cooperation…
Poisoning Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny didn't get rid of him. He survived the attack, and now the Kremlin…
Two leaders in academia weigh in how numbers and statistics can enforce institutional racism.
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment was first used against Confederate leaders after the Civil War to expel seditionist politicians.…
Everyone's saying it: 'Democracy is fragile' in the United States. But a political science scholar says that…
A scholar of cyber conflict sets out why retaliation doesn't prevent future attacks, and explains what might have a…
Millennials and boomers advising Biden can look for common ground on climate change, student loan debt and other key issues.
The type and amount of misinformation closely tracks tensions in US-China relations. Effectively countering the misinformation…
Biden wants to restore US global leadership after four years of Trump's isolationism and antagonism. These are some…
Death threats against Republicans who oppose Trump are not just the result of angry people. They are, instead, an attempt…
Executive orders aren't as unilateral as they seem. Here's how government keeps them in check.
Scholars who study dangerous speech have identified common themes that can lead to violence.
Georgia once had 'the South's most racist governor,' a man endorsed by the KKK. Now its senators are a Black…
Changing how rural hospitals are paid is one way to shake up the system.
To distill the violent insurrection at the US Capitol into a tale of angry male rage is to overlook the threat that women…
Encrypted messaging services like Telegram provide virtual dark corners where far-right extremists can recruit, organize…
History shows that attorneys general who are picked by – and serve at the pleasure of – the president are not as independent…