Rape by Russian soldiers in Ukraine is the latest example of a despicable wartime crime that spans t
An expert on rape during war examines the emerging evidence from Ukraine that Russian soldiers raped Ukrainian women and…
An expert on rape during war examines the emerging evidence from Ukraine that Russian soldiers raped Ukrainian women and…
Despite decades of progress on nonproliferation, Russia’s new threats of nuclear strikes bring to mind that convincing…
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan dissolved Parliament rather than face a no-confidence vote. The Conversation asked an…
Even once the war in Ukraine ends, the millions of people who fled from their homes might not be quick to return. The faster…
Russian hackers have been attacking Ukraine for years, but with help from US government agencies, businesses and universities,…
President Joe Biden’s nominee for the US Supreme Court withstood four days of hearings and stands ready to become the…
Putin’s rationale for invading Ukraine wasn’t built over just a few months in 2021. Putin and high-level Russia government…
Sanctions take time to bite, and Putin has time on his side.
President Biden said that Vladimir Putin had committed war crimes, after news emerged of mass civilian murders in Bucha,…
Cyberattacks can be devastating, just not on the battlefield, according to researchers who looked at 10 years of armed conflicts…
The US frequently chooses to put its own interest ahead of its professed values. That approach to foreign policy is called…
Scholars discuss the meaning of Ketanji Brown Jackson’s potential elevation to the highest court in the land.
Estimates of casualties from the war in Ukraine have varied widely. Some of this is due to genuine difficulty counting the…
Both the Russian and US arsenals boast thousands of nuclear weapons, located in various places around their own countries…
There are a few warning signs that genocide is happening. In the Russian war on Ukraine, all of those are present.
A career soldier and a careful scholar of the military profession, William Tecumseh Sherman knew that wars are part of human…
The U.S. has promised to take in 100,000 Ukrainian refugees. But there is concern that this could further complicate efforts…
In the middle of a brutal war, poetry asserts its value, challenging the darkness and inhumanity.
A cornerstone of the First Step Act, passed with bipartisan support, is the PATTERN risk-assessment tool.
Many people promoting cryptocurrencies are looking for something bigger than the future of financial transactions. They’re…