5 things to know about Moldova and Transnistria – and why Russia's war in Ukraine is threatening the
Moldova’s government has said that Russia is trying to overthrow its Western-leaning government and set up its own leaders…
Moldova’s government has said that Russia is trying to overthrow its Western-leaning government and set up its own leaders…
About 1.5 million refugees are still there, with some putting down roots.
The US has an overclassification problem, which includes classifying documents about Santa Claus.
Paul Laurence Dunbar became the first Black writer to earn international acclaim through his poetry, essays and musical…
Experts still disagree about why the US prison population has grown so much over the last few decades. But crime is only…
US lawmakers heard testimony that suggests the era of engagement with China is over. Rather, policy may be hardening.
Jackson used his musical talents to overcome racial barriers in the United States. But telling Jackson’s story may not…
A satirist posted a parody of a police Facebook page. He was arrested and jailed for four days. How far do free speech protections…
An environmental health lawyer explains why some states have weaker rules than others, and how you can make your concerns…
A media scholar who studied Carter and interviewed him explains how he attempted to translate Jesus’ teachings into action…
President Joe Biden may be nicer to reporters than his predecessor, but he’s not actually responsive to the press. He…
Questions about whether warring parties agree about how the war will end and the costs of war or peace are all key factors…
Considered to have one of the most powerful militaries in the world, Russian President Vladimir Putin has little to show…
A former staffer with The Carter Center saw how Jimmy Carter’s efforts to bring democracy to Latin America improved conditions,…
With the expiration of a pandemic-era restriction, the Biden administration is set to impose a new rule to curtail immigration…
Justices are weighing the arguments in two cases that have the potential of changing the way social media platforms operate.
The lone wolf metaphor used to describe mass shooters misinforms views of extremists – and law enforcement efforts to…
Kittrell’s legacy shows that home economics was always about more than cooking and sewing. It’s also a reminder that…
A year ago, the Ukrainian military was largely equipped with Soviet-era weapons. It has since seen an influx of high-tech…
Putin’s announcement to Russia will no longer participate in the New START pauses the last remaining nuclear weapons agreement…