Despite the end of Title 42, restrictions on asylum seekers are expected to continue under Biden adm
Title 42 has triggered criticisms from immigration advocates and public health experts. But the end of the controversial…
Title 42 has triggered criticisms from immigration advocates and public health experts. But the end of the controversial…
U.S. immigration policies have not deterred migration, but they have made the process longer and more difficult for migrants.
Although the series perpetuates the stereotype that politically ambitious women can’t be trusted in high office, it thoughtfully…
For the first time, the United Nations will mark the commemoration of the displacement of 750,000 Palestinians from their…
George Santos has admitted to having said some stupid things. But his lying became the subject of a federal probe that has…
Israel may no longer be a fledgling state – but it has yet to overcome the basic contradiction that has defined it from…
Protests took hold across Pakistan following the detention of the opposition leader and former cricket star – raising…
One researcher’s experience from a quarter-century ago shows why bias in AI remains a problem – and why the solution…
The International Criminal Court announced an arrest warrant for Putin and his children’s rights commissioner in March…
Trump’s lawyers have questioned E. Jean Carroll, a magazine columnist, about why she did not scream or call the police…
Even if you don’t live near farm country, you’ve got a stake in the upcoming farm bill – including what kind of farms…
It doesn’t make for inspiring politics, but political scientists have determined that for candidates, it’s more valuable…
Yemen’s brutal civil war has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. But a recent Beijing-brokered…
Who are the Proud Boys, what do they want and is there a path back into society for these extremists?
Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, first established a set of political decorum rules in legislatures…
The pageantry of the coronation will be broadcast around the world. Here’s what to expect over the three days of celebrations.
Research shows that leaders who can embrace competing demands and focus on the long term are more likely to succeed.
Free speech is under attack from both sides of the political spectrum.
Since the 1980s, cable news networks have focused on hyperpartisan news coverage to attract core audiences in an increasingly…
Dominion’s settlement of its defamation suit against Fox News provided a solution for Dominion – but it did nothing…