When Pat and Bob nearly saved health care reform: A lesson in senatorial bedside manner
While current congressional leaders are digging in their heels along party lines, it might be good to take a step back and…
While current congressional leaders are digging in their heels along party lines, it might be good to take a step back and…
A study of the brains of 111 NFL players after their deaths showed that 110 had degenerative brain disease. Here are some…
Nearly one-fifth of US GDP is spent on health care. Where does all of that money go?
A diagnosis of glioblastoma did not keep John McCain from the Capitol to cast a crucial vote that could end Obamacare. His…
Depending on where you live, having a disability can cost thousands of additional dollars per year. Government programs…
West Virginia favored Trump by more than 2:1 in the 2016 election, but Trump's policies would particularly hurt the…
Sex is an important part of life, but many people avoid it. Fear, former abuse and religion are common reasons, but you…
Do US smokers really know the risks? Research from Australia, Canada and Mexico shows that there are better ways to warn…
Many academic medical centers are facing increasing financial pressure as insurers create so-called narrow networks, but…
The latest Senate health care bill is still a hodgepodge of efforts to repeal Obamacare, critics say. One of their concerns…
Republicans have had a hard time dismantling the Affordable Care Act, despite their promises. That could be because they…
People who seek aid in dying tend to be white men older than 65, a new analysis shows. While this could be due to religious…
Given the persistent risk of terrorist attacks and large-scale accidents, it's more critical than ever for EMTs, police,…
Trillions of microorganisms living inside your digestive system may influence your health and even your weight. Here's…
A recent study finds that friends ought not let friends with dementia be lonely. The surprising part? Why staying friends…
Almost one-third of human disease requires surgery, but most of those people who need surgery are not getting it. Here's…
The number of adults living with cancer is expected to triple in size by 2030. How can we prepare for this public health…
The state of Ohio filed a lawsuit against opioid manufacturers. Will their legal arguments hold up in court – and what…
The federal government outlaws marijuana, but many states are legalizing it. Coupled with the growing number of cannabis-related…
Americans, an independent group, tend to believe that people can "pull themselves up by their boot straps." Yet…