When Trump pushed hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19, hundreds of thousands of prescriptions follo
When news reports tout a drug, people get interested, even if the benefits are unproven. Patient hopes, requests and demands…
When news reports tout a drug, people get interested, even if the benefits are unproven. Patient hopes, requests and demands…
A bioethicist argues that the problem of health disparities existed long before COVID-19 struck with a vengeance in marginalized…
The purveyors of these myths, including politicians who have been soft peddling the impact of the coronavirus, aren't…
Putting a dollar value on human lives to compare the costs and benefits of stay-at-home orders can have unintended consequences.…
Social distancing is leaving older Americans more isolated and opening them up to serious health risks.
How politicians and the public in Denver, Colorado handled the 1918 flu epidemic is relevant to today.
This is the first Fourth of July in which Americans must deal with the coronavirus pandemic. One of the nation's premier…
Screening multiple samples with a single test gets more people diagnosed using fewer supplies. Two health policy researchers…
With most therapy sessions now online, a psychologist explores whether more self-disclosure by therapists – sharing more…
Setting off fireworks may be fun for you, but for some of your neighbors it could be a traumatic experience.
The recent spike in new coronavirus cases in the US is not due to a second wave, but simply the virus moving into new populations…
Tribal lands are hot spots for COVID-19 infections and deaths. Racism is one of the reasons.
Texas hospitals are filling up with new COVID-19 cases, and many of the people falling ill are young.
COVID-19 has again demonstrated the health inequities that exist between African Americans and whites.
In the wake of COVID-19, researchers can become trusted figures of authority who can re-appropriate their networks, skills…
A simple computer model shows that safety measures can significantly impact both the exponential spread of COVID-19 and…
In the time of the coronavirus, learning how to adapt to adversity belongs in your toolkit.
Yellow fever, malaria and Ebola all spilled over from animals to humans at the edges of tropical forests. The new coronavirus…
In South Asia, days with both extreme heat and extreme pollution are expected to increase 175% by 2050. Separately, the…
With COVID-19 cases rising in more than half of the states, the next two weeks are critical for stopping a spike in cases.…