What is the Islamic New Year? A scholar of religion explains
The Islamic New Year marks the first day of Muharram, a sacred month of prayer and annual reflection.
The Islamic New Year marks the first day of Muharram, a sacred month of prayer and annual reflection.
A controversial pastor is aiming to convert a town of 25,000 people as part of grand expansion plans. A scholar says the…
America’s founders accepted the reality of human selfishness. But, they also said people were capable of thinking for…
President Xi Jinping’s nationalist agenda includes supporting traditional Chinese religious beliefs and practices –…
A religion scholar explains why the label of ‘cult’ gets in the way of understanding new religions and political movements.
A religion scholar explains how evangelicalism in the US is not a monolith. It includes a a variety of churches, theologies…
The abortion rights debate has moved on from freedom to choose – it is now about having available options, a bioethicist…
Polish-born Holocaust survivor paved the way for atheists to refuse pledge to God in citizenship oath. But discrimination…
An article that used geolocation data to place a priest at gay bars raises questions over journalistic ethics, and shines…
A scholar of religion explains what those who fast for health and fitness can learn from religious traditions for a sustained,…
Ben & Jerry’s decision to no longer sell ice cream in the occupied territories comes as Israel continues to lose…
A scholar of ancient Greek literature explains what the Olympics of modern day have in common with the 776 B.C. games at…
Burqas and male chaperones for women were features of the Taliban’s extremist rule of Afghanistan in the 1990s. Those…
Many people are starting to celebrate the return to a pre-pandemic life. How does that feel to those who have suffered losses…
Most religions have periods of rest incorporated into their practice. Medical science has affirmed that short periods of…
Pope Benedict XVI expanded the Latin Mass in 2007 in an olive branch to traditionalists. His successor hopes reversing that…
Two decades have passed since the US invasion of Afghanistan toppled the Taliban's Islamic extremist regime. Despite…
John Locke and John Stewart Mill don't provide much in the way of justification for ignoring public health advice in…
There is much at stake as the US withdraws troops from Afghanistan. A political philosopher explains why the US cannot escape…
The political alliance between American evangelicals and Israel's right wing may have peaked during the Trump administration.